pam_groupmap 0.1.3

PAM Service module allowing to map users based on LDAP group membership
# LDAP Group to User mapping module

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## Description


This PAM service module can be used to map given user to another based
on LDAP group membership.
It can work only if used as PAM *accounting* module.

## Example

## Requirements

* Rust 1.18.0 or newer
* Working compiler.
* pkg-config, libssl-dev, libpam0g

## Installation

Compile and install the `.so`:

cargo build --release
sudo cp target/release/ /lib/security/

Create the config file `/etc/pam_groupmap.toml`:

# LDAP connection parameters
# Comma separated list of LDAP servers.
uri = "ldaps://,ldaps://"
# LDAP simple bind credentials (at the moment they are the same for all servers)
user = "XXX"
pass = "YYY"
# LDAP server connection timeout in seconds, default is 2.
# conn_timeout = 2
# LDAP server opeartion timeout in seconds (bind and search), default is 5.
# op_timeout = 5
# pam_groupmap will do an LDAP subtree search for the
# attribute $group_attribute under $user_base_dn with
# filter ($uid_attribute=$pam_username)
# Then the results are going to be filtered locally for
# only those that end with $group_base_dn
user_base_dn = "OU=people,OU=user,DC=example,DC=com"
group_base_dn = "OU=db,OU=groups,DC=example,DC=com"
uid_attribute = "sAMAccountName"
group_attribute = "memberOf"

# LDAP Group to User mappings
"dbadmin" = "dbadmin"
"dbreadonly" = "dbrouser"
"dbreadwrite" = "rbrwuser"

Make sure the config has the correct permissions:

chown root:mysql /etc/pam_groupmap.toml
chmod 640 /etc/pam_groupmap.toml

Setup PAM, for example for Percona XtraDB in `/etc/pam.d/mysqld`:

auth       requisite
account    requisite /etc/pam_groupmap.toml