pam-auth 0.3.0

Safe Rust wrapper for PAM authentification
# pam-auth [![Version]] [![Build Status]]

Safe Rust bindings to Linux Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM).
Currently only supports basic username/password authentication.

[Documentation @ gh-pages](

## Note about stability
This crate follows [semantic versioning]( As such all versions below `1.0.0` should be
considered development versions. This means the API could change any time.

## Usage
1. Add `pam-auth` to your Cargo.toml:
pam-auth = "0.2.0"
2. Use the `Authenticator` struct to authenticate and open a session
extern crate pam_auth;
pub fn main() {
        let service: "<yourapp>";
        let user: "<user>";
        let password: "<pass>";

        let mut auth = pam_auth::Authenticator::new(service);
        auth.set_credentials(user, password);
        if auth.authenticate().is_ok() && auth.open_session().is_ok() {
            println!("Successfully opened a session!");
        else {
            println!("Authentication failed =/");

## TODO:
  - [x] Implement basic user/password authentication
  - [x] Add `Authenticator` struct
  - [ ] Add documentation
  - [ ] Verify current `conv` does not leak memory
  - [ ] Allow custom `conv` functions to be passed (in pam-sys?)
  - [ ] Code cleanup