palletizer 0.2.4

self-hosted Cargo registry
use crate::{index, manifest, util, Config};
use crate::error::Error;

use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};

pub struct Registry {
	path: PathBuf,
	config: Config,
	repo: git2::Repository,

// I think read-only access from multiple threads is fine.
// Without this, an Arc<RwLock<Registry>> would not be Send,
// meaning we would always need to use a mutex.
// It would be a waste to unnecessarily serialize read-only access to the index repo.
unsafe impl Sync for Registry {}

impl Registry {
	/// Initialize a new registry with a config file.
	pub fn init(path: impl AsRef<Path>, config: Config) -> Result<Self, Error> {
		let path = path.as_ref().to_path_buf();

		// Write palletizer config file.

		// Create the index repository.
		let index_path = path.join(&config.index_dir);
		let repo = git2::Repository::init(&index_path)
			.map_err(|e| Error::new(format!("failed to initialize git repository at {}: {}", path.display(), e)))?;

		// Add `config.json`.
		util::write_new_file(index_path.join("config.json"), config.cargo_json().as_bytes())?;

		// Commit the created files.
		util::add_commit(&repo, "Initialize empty registry index.", &["config.json"])?;

		Ok(Self { path, config, repo })

	/// Open an existing registry.
	pub fn open(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Self, Error> {
		let path = path.as_ref().to_path_buf();
		let config: Config = util::read_toml(path.join("palletizer.toml"))?;

		let index_path = path.join(&config.index_dir);

		let repo = git2::Repository::open(&index_path)
			.map_err(|e| Error::new(format!("failed to open git repository at {}: {}", index_path.display(), e)))?;
		Ok(Self { path, config, repo })

	/// Get the path of the registry.
	pub fn path(&self) -> &Path {

	/// Get the git repository of the index.
	pub fn index_repo(&self) -> &git2::Repository {

	/// Get the absolute path of the index repository.
	pub fn index_dir(&self) -> PathBuf {

	/// Get the absolute path of the crate directory.
	pub fn crate_dir(&self) -> PathBuf {

	/// Read the index entries for a specific crate.
	pub fn read_index(&self, crate_name: &str) -> Result<Vec<index::Entry>, Error> {
		let path = self.index_dir().join(self.index_path_rel(crate_name));
		let file = util::open_file_read(&path)?;
		read_index(file, &path)

	/// Iterate over the names of all crates in the registry.
	pub fn iter_crate_names(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = Result<String, Error>> {
		let index_dir = self.index_dir();
			.filter_entry(|entry| {
				// Skip hidden files (most importantly: .git).
				entry.file_name().to_str().map(|name| !name.starts_with('.')).unwrap_or(true)
			.filter_map(|item| {
				let item = match item {
					Err(e) => return Some(Err(Error::new(format!("Failed to read directory entry: {}", e)))),
					Ok(x) => x,
				// All crates live in at-least two subdirectories
				if item.depth() < 3 {
					return None;
				if !item.file_type().is_file() {
					return None;
				match item.file_name().to_str() {
					None => Some(Err(Error::new("invalid UTF-8 in file name".into()))),
					Some(x) => Some(Ok(x.into())),

	/// Add a crate to the registry using the supplied metadata.
	pub fn add_crate_with_metadata(&mut self, metadata: &index::Entry, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
		use std::io::Write;

		// Check that all dependencies are in allowed registries.
		for dep in &metadata.dependencies {
			if let Some(registry) = &dep.registry {
				if !self.config.allowed_registries.contains(registry) {
					return Err(Error::new(format!("dependency `{}` has a non-allowed registry: {:?}",, registry)));

		let metadata_json = serde_json::to_string(&metadata)
			.map_err(|e| Error::new(format!("failed to serialize index metadata: {}", e)))?;

		let index_path_rel = self.index_path_rel(&;
		let index_path_abs = self.index_dir().join(&index_path_rel);
		let mut index_file = std::fs::OpenOptions::new()
			.map_err(|e| Error::new(format!("failed to open {} for writing: {}", index_path_abs.display(), e)))?;

		util::lock_exclusive(&index_file, &index_path_abs)?;

			// Check that the file was not deleted before we locked it.
			// We assume that nobody moved the file or created an extra hard link...
			use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt;
			let metadata = index_file.metadata()
				.map_err(|e| Error::new(format!("failed to get hard-link count for {}: {}", index_path_abs.display(), e)))?;
			if metadata.nlink() == 0 {
				return Err(Error::new("crate was deleted while we tried to publish it".to_string()));

		// Check that the version isn't in the index yet.
		let index = read_index(&mut index_file, &index_path_abs)?;
		if index.iter().any(|x| x.version == metadata.version) {
			return Err(Error::new(format!("duplicate crate: {}-{} already exists in the index",, metadata.version)));

		// Write the crate file.
		util::write_new_file(self.crate_path_abs(&, &metadata.version), data)?;

		// Add the index entry.
		writeln!(&mut index_file, "{}", &metadata_json)
			.map_err(|e| Error::new(format!("failed to write to index file {}: {}", index_path_abs.display(), e)))?;

		// Commit the changes.
		util::add_commit(&self.repo, &format!("Add {}-{}",, metadata.version), &[index_path_rel])
			.map_err(|e| Error::new(format!("failed to commit changes: {}", e)))?;


	/// Add a crate to the registry.
	/// You must pass the path to a crate as packaged by `cargo package`.
	pub fn add_crate(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<(), Error> {
		// Extract the manifest.
		let manifest = manifest::extract(data)?;
		let sha256_hexsum = util::compute_sha256_hex(data);
		let metadata = index::Entry::from_manifest(manifest, sha256_hexsum)?;

		self.add_crate_with_metadata(&metadata, data)

	/// Add a crate to the registry.
	/// You must pass the path to a crate as packaged by `cargo package`.
	pub fn add_crate_from_file(&mut self, path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<(), Error> {
		let data = util::read_file(path.as_ref())?;

	/// Delete a crate from the registry.
	/// This will completely remove the index entry and the crate files.
	/// Normally, you should yank a crate with [`Self::yank-crate()`] instead of deleting it.
	pub fn delete_crate(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
		let index_path_rel = self.index_path_rel(name);
		let index_path_abs = self.index_dir().join(&index_path_rel);
		let crate_dir_abs = self.path().join(self.crate_dir_rel(name));

		let _index_file = if cfg!(unix) {
			// On Unix, lock the index file for exclusive access to prevent racing with `add_crate`.
		} else {
			// On Windows, opening the file would prevent deletion so we can't open it here.
			// But it also means that if `add_crate()` already opened the index, the delete below will fail.

		// NOTE: We have inconsistent behaviour accross platforms when `delete_crate` and `add_crate` are done in parallel.
		// Currently, on Unix, `add_crate` will fail and on Windows `delete_crate` will fail.
		// This seems like a reasonable trade-off to avoid separate lock files though.

		// Delete the index file.
			.map_err(|e| Error::new(format!("failed to delete {}: {}", index_path_abs.display(), e)))?;

		// Delete all empty parent directories in the index repo.
		for parent in index_path_rel.ancestors().skip(1) {

		// Commit the changes.
		util::add_commit(&self.repo, &format!("Delete crate {}", name), &[index_path_rel])
			.map_err(|e| Error::new(format!("failed to commit changes: {}", e)))?;

		// Delete the crate directory with all crate files.
		// TODO: Only delete files matching published crate versions?.
			.map_err(|e| Error::new(format!("failed to delete {}: {}", crate_dir_abs.display(), e)))?;


	/// Yank a crate from the registry.
	/// Returns true if the crate was yanked,
	/// and false if the crate was already yanked.
	/// If the crate is not found or if an other error occures,
	/// an error is returned.
	pub fn yank_crate(&mut self, name: &str, version: &str) -> Result<bool, Error> {
		let index_path_rel = self.index_path_rel(name);
		let index_path_abs = self.index_dir().join(&index_path_rel);
		let mut index_file = util::open_file_read_write(&index_path_abs)?;
		let mut index = index::read_index(&mut index_file)?;

		let mut found = 0;
		let mut yanked = 0;
		for entry in &mut index {
			if entry.version == version {
				found += 1;
				if !entry.yanked {
					entry.yanked = true;
					yanked += 1;

		if found == 0 {
			return Err(Error::new(format!("failed to yank {}-{}: no such crate in index", name ,version)));

		if yanked > 0 {
			util::truncate_file(&mut index_file, &index_path_abs)?;
			index::write_index(&mut index_file, &index_path_abs, &index)?;

			// Commit the changes.
			util::add_commit(&self.repo, &format!("Yanked {}-{}", name, version), &[index_path_rel])
				.map_err(|e| Error::new(format!("failed to commit changes: {}", e)))?;
		} else{

	/// Unyank a crate from the registry.
	/// Returns true if the crate was unyanked,
	/// and false if the crate was already unyanked.
	/// If the crate is not found or if an other error occures,
	/// an error is returned.
	pub fn unyank_crate(&mut self, name: &str, version: &str) -> Result<bool, Error> {
		let index_path_rel = self.index_path_rel(name);
		let index_path_abs = self.index_dir().join(&index_path_rel);
		let mut index_file = util::open_file_read_write(&index_path_abs)?;
		let mut index = index::read_index(&mut index_file)?;

		let mut found = 0;
		let mut unyanked = 0;
		for entry in &mut index {
			if entry.version == version {
				found += 1;
				if entry.yanked {
					entry.yanked = false;
					unyanked += 1;

		if found == 0 {
			return Err(Error::new(format!("failed to unyank {}-{}: no such crate in index", name ,version)));

		if unyanked > 0 {
			util::truncate_file(&mut index_file, &index_path_abs)?;
			index::write_index(&mut index_file, &index_path_abs, &index)?;

			// Commit the changes.
			util::add_commit(&self.repo, &format!("Unyanked {}-{}", name, version), &[index_path_rel])
				.map_err(|e| Error::new(format!("failed to commit changes: {}", e)))?;
		} else{


	fn index_path_rel(&self, name: &str) -> PathBuf {
		let mut file = match name.as_bytes() {
			&[] => panic!("empty crate names are not supported"),
			&[_] => format!("1/{}", name),
			&[_, _] => format!("2/{}", name),
			&[a, _, _] => format!("3/{}/{}", a as char, name),
			&[a, b, c, d, ..] => format!("{}{}/{}{}/{}", a as char, b as char, c as char, d as char, name),

	fn crate_dir_rel(&self, name: &str) -> PathBuf {

	fn crate_path_rel(&self, name: &str, version: &str) -> PathBuf {
		self.config.crate_dir.join(format!("{name}/{name}-{version}.crate", name = name, version = version))

	fn crate_path_abs(&self, name: &str, version: &str) -> PathBuf {
		self.path().join(&self.crate_path_rel(name, version))

pub fn read_index<R: std::io::Read>(mut stream: R, path: &Path) -> Result<Vec<index::Entry>, Error> {
	let mut data = Vec::new();
	stream.read_to_end(&mut data).map_err(|e| Error::new(format!("failed to read from {}: {}", path.display(), e)))?;

	data.split(|&c| c == b'\n')
		.filter(|(_i, line)| !line.is_empty())
		.map(|(i, line)| {
				.map_err(|e| Error::new(format!("failed to parse index entry at {}:{}: {}", path.display(), i, e)))