pallet-contracts 2.0.0-rc6

FRAME pallet for WASM contracts
// Copyright 2019-2020 Parity Technologies (UK) Ltd.
// This file is part of Substrate.

// Substrate is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.

// Substrate is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.

// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Substrate. If not, see <>.

//! A module responsible for computing the right amount of weight and charging it.

use crate::{
	AliveContractInfo, BalanceOf, ContractInfo, ContractInfoOf, Module, RawEvent,
	TombstoneContractInfo, Trait, CodeHash, Config
use sp_std::prelude::*;
use sp_io::hashing::blake2_256;
use frame_support::storage::child;
use frame_support::traits::{Currency, ExistenceRequirement, Get, OnUnbalanced, WithdrawReason};
use frame_support::StorageMap;
use pallet_contracts_primitives::{ContractAccessError, RentProjection, RentProjectionResult};
use sp_runtime::traits::{Bounded, CheckedDiv, CheckedMul, SaturatedConversion, Saturating, Zero};

/// The amount to charge.
/// This amount respects the contract's rent allowance and the subsistence deposit.
/// Because of that, charging the amount cannot remove the contract.
struct OutstandingAmount<T: Trait> {
	amount: BalanceOf<T>,

impl<T: Trait> OutstandingAmount<T> {
	/// Create the new outstanding amount.
	/// The amount should be always withdrawable and it should not kill the account.
	fn new(amount: BalanceOf<T>) -> Self {
		Self { amount }

	/// Returns the amount this instance wraps.
	fn peek(&self) -> BalanceOf<T> {

	/// Withdraws the outstanding amount from the given account.
	fn withdraw(self, account: &T::AccountId) {
		if let Ok(imbalance) = T::Currency::withdraw(
		) {
			// This should never fail. However, let's err on the safe side.

enum Verdict<T: Trait> {
	/// The contract is exempted from paying rent.
	/// For example, it already paid its rent in the current block, or it has enough deposit for not
	/// paying rent at all.
	/// Funds dropped below the subsistence deposit.
	/// Remove the contract along with it's storage.
	/// The contract cannot afford payment within its rent budget so it gets evicted. However,
	/// because its balance is greater than the subsistence threshold it leaves a tombstone.
	Evict {
		amount: Option<OutstandingAmount<T>>,
	/// Everything is OK, we just only take some charge.
	Charge { amount: OutstandingAmount<T> },

/// Returns a fee charged per block from the contract.
/// This function accounts for the storage rent deposit. I.e. if the contract possesses enough funds
/// then the fee can drop to zero.
fn compute_fee_per_block<T: Trait>(
	free_balance: &BalanceOf<T>,
	contract: &AliveContractInfo<T>,
) -> BalanceOf<T> {
	let free_storage = free_balance

	// For now, we treat every empty KV pair as if it was one byte long.
	let empty_pairs_equivalent = contract.empty_pair_count;

	let effective_storage_size = <BalanceOf<T>>::from(
		contract.storage_size + T::StorageSizeOffset::get() + empty_pairs_equivalent,

		.unwrap_or_else(|| <BalanceOf<T>>::max_value())

/// Returns amount of funds available to consume by rent mechanism.
/// Rent mechanism cannot consume more than `rent_allowance` set by the contract and it cannot make
/// the balance lower than [`subsistence_threshold`].
/// In case the toal_balance is below the subsistence threshold, this function returns `None`.
fn rent_budget<T: Trait>(
	total_balance: &BalanceOf<T>,
	free_balance: &BalanceOf<T>,
	contract: &AliveContractInfo<T>,
) -> Option<BalanceOf<T>> {
	let subsistence_threshold = Config::<T>::subsistence_threshold_uncached();
	// Reserved balance contributes towards the subsistence threshold to stay consistent
	// with the existential deposit where the reserved balance is also counted.
	if *total_balance < subsistence_threshold {
		return None;

	// However, reserved balance cannot be charged so we need to use the free balance
	// to calculate the actual budget (which can be 0).
	let rent_allowed_to_charge = free_balance.saturating_sub(subsistence_threshold);

/// Consider the case for rent payment of the given account and returns a `Verdict`.
/// Use `handicap` in case you want to change the reference block number. (To get more details see
/// `snitch_contract_should_be_evicted` ).
fn consider_case<T: Trait>(
	account: &T::AccountId,
	current_block_number: T::BlockNumber,
	handicap: T::BlockNumber,
	contract: &AliveContractInfo<T>,
) -> Verdict<T> {
	// How much block has passed since the last deduction for the contract.
	let blocks_passed = {
		// Calculate an effective block number, i.e. after adjusting for handicap.
		let effective_block_number = current_block_number.saturating_sub(handicap);
	if blocks_passed.is_zero() {
		// Rent has already been paid
		return Verdict::Exempt;

	let total_balance = T::Currency::total_balance(account);
	let free_balance = T::Currency::free_balance(account);

	// An amount of funds to charge per block for storage taken up by the contract.
	let fee_per_block = compute_fee_per_block::<T>(&free_balance, contract);
	if fee_per_block.is_zero() {
		// The rent deposit offset reduced the fee to 0. This means that the contract
		// gets the rent for free.
		return Verdict::Exempt;

	let rent_budget = match rent_budget::<T>(&total_balance, &free_balance, contract) {
		Some(rent_budget) => rent_budget,
		None => {
			// The contract's total balance is already below subsistence threshold. That
			// indicates that the contract cannot afford to leave a tombstone.
			// So cleanly wipe the contract.
			return Verdict::Kill;

	let dues = fee_per_block
		.unwrap_or_else(|| <BalanceOf<T>>::max_value());
	let insufficient_rent = rent_budget < dues;

	// If the rent payment cannot be withdrawn due to locks on the account balance, then evict the
	// account.
	// NOTE: This seems problematic because it provides a way to tombstone an account while
	// avoiding the last rent payment. In effect, someone could retroactively set rent_allowance
	// for their contract to 0.
	let dues_limited = dues.min(rent_budget);
	let can_withdraw_rent = T::Currency::ensure_can_withdraw(

	if insufficient_rent || !can_withdraw_rent {
		// The contract cannot afford the rent payment and has a balance above the subsistence
		// threshold, so it leaves a tombstone.
		let amount = if can_withdraw_rent {
		} else {
		return Verdict::Evict { amount };

	return Verdict::Charge {
		// We choose to use `dues_limited` here instead of `dues` just to err on the safer side.
		amount: OutstandingAmount::new(dues_limited),

/// Enacts the given verdict and returns the updated `ContractInfo`.
/// `alive_contract_info` should be from the same address as `account`.
fn enact_verdict<T: Trait>(
	account: &T::AccountId,
	alive_contract_info: AliveContractInfo<T>,
	current_block_number: T::BlockNumber,
	verdict: Verdict<T>,
) -> Option<ContractInfo<T>> {
	match verdict {
		Verdict::Exempt => return Some(ContractInfo::Alive(alive_contract_info)),
		Verdict::Kill => {
			<Module<T>>::deposit_event(RawEvent::Evicted(account.clone(), false));
		Verdict::Evict { amount } => {
			if let Some(amount) = amount {

			// Note: this operation is heavy.
			let child_storage_root = child::root(

			let tombstone = <TombstoneContractInfo<T>>::new(
			let tombstone_info = ContractInfo::Tombstone(tombstone);
			<ContractInfoOf<T>>::insert(account, &tombstone_info);


			<Module<T>>::deposit_event(RawEvent::Evicted(account.clone(), true));
		Verdict::Charge { amount } => {
			let contract_info = ContractInfo::Alive(AliveContractInfo::<T> {
				rent_allowance: alive_contract_info.rent_allowance - amount.peek(),
				deduct_block: current_block_number,
			<ContractInfoOf<T>>::insert(account, &contract_info);


/// Make account paying the rent for the current block number
/// NOTE this function performs eviction eagerly. All changes are read and written directly to
/// storage.
pub fn collect_rent<T: Trait>(account: &T::AccountId) -> Option<ContractInfo<T>> {
	let contract_info = <ContractInfoOf<T>>::get(account);
	let alive_contract_info = match contract_info {
		None | Some(ContractInfo::Tombstone(_)) => return contract_info,
		Some(ContractInfo::Alive(contract)) => contract,

	let current_block_number = <frame_system::Module<T>>::block_number();
	let verdict = consider_case::<T>(
	enact_verdict(account, alive_contract_info, current_block_number, verdict)

/// Process a report that a contract under the given address should be evicted.
/// Enact the eviction right away if the contract should be evicted and return true.
/// Otherwise, **do nothing** and return false.
/// The `handicap` parameter gives a way to check the rent to a moment in the past instead
/// of current block. E.g. if the contract is going to be evicted at the current block,
/// `handicap = 1` can defer the eviction for 1 block. This is useful to handicap certain snitchers
/// relative to others.
/// NOTE this function performs eviction eagerly. All changes are read and written directly to
/// storage.
pub fn snitch_contract_should_be_evicted<T: Trait>(
	account: &T::AccountId,
	handicap: T::BlockNumber,
) -> bool {
	let contract_info = <ContractInfoOf<T>>::get(account);
	let alive_contract_info = match contract_info {
		None | Some(ContractInfo::Tombstone(_)) => return false,
		Some(ContractInfo::Alive(contract)) => contract,
	let current_block_number = <frame_system::Module<T>>::block_number();
	let verdict = consider_case::<T>(

	// Enact the verdict only if the contract gets removed.
	match verdict {
		Verdict::Kill | Verdict::Evict { .. } => {
			enact_verdict(account, alive_contract_info, current_block_number, verdict);
		_ => false,

/// Returns the projected time a given contract will be able to sustain paying its rent. The
/// returned projection is relevant for the current block, i.e. it is as if the contract was
/// accessed at the beginning of the current block. Returns `None` in case if the contract was
/// evicted before or as a result of the rent collection.
/// The returned value is only an estimation. It doesn't take into account any top ups, changing the
/// rent allowance, or any problems coming from withdrawing the dues.
/// NOTE that this is not a side-effect free function! It will actually collect rent and then
/// compute the projection. This function is only used for implementation of an RPC method through
/// `RuntimeApi` meaning that the changes will be discarded anyway.
pub fn compute_rent_projection<T: Trait>(
	account: &T::AccountId,
) -> RentProjectionResult<T::BlockNumber> {
	let contract_info = <ContractInfoOf<T>>::get(account);
	let alive_contract_info = match contract_info {
		None | Some(ContractInfo::Tombstone(_)) => return Err(ContractAccessError::IsTombstone),
		Some(ContractInfo::Alive(contract)) => contract,
	let current_block_number = <frame_system::Module<T>>::block_number();
	let verdict = consider_case::<T>(
	let new_contract_info =
		enact_verdict(account, alive_contract_info, current_block_number, verdict);

	// Check what happened after enaction of the verdict.
	let alive_contract_info = match new_contract_info {
		None | Some(ContractInfo::Tombstone(_)) => return Err(ContractAccessError::IsTombstone),
		Some(ContractInfo::Alive(contract)) => contract,

	// Compute how much would the fee per block be with the *updated* balance.
	let total_balance = T::Currency::total_balance(account);
	let free_balance = T::Currency::free_balance(account);
	let fee_per_block = compute_fee_per_block::<T>(&free_balance, &alive_contract_info);
	if fee_per_block.is_zero() {
		return Ok(RentProjection::NoEviction);

	// Then compute how much the contract will sustain under these circumstances.
	let rent_budget = rent_budget::<T>(&total_balance, &free_balance, &alive_contract_info).expect(
		"the contract exists and in the alive state;
		the updated balance must be greater than subsistence deposit;
		this function doesn't return `None`;
	let blocks_left = match rent_budget.checked_div(&fee_per_block) {
		Some(blocks_left) => blocks_left,
		None => {
			// `fee_per_block` is not zero here, so `checked_div` can return `None` if
			// there is an overflow. This cannot happen with integers though. Return
			// `NoEviction` here just in case.
			return Ok(RentProjection::NoEviction);

	let blocks_left = blocks_left.saturated_into::<u32>().into();
		current_block_number + blocks_left,

/// Restores the destination account using the origin as prototype.
/// The restoration will be performed iff:
/// - origin exists and is alive,
/// - the origin's storage is not written in the current block
/// - the restored account has tombstone
/// - the tombstone matches the hash of the origin storage root, and code hash.
/// Upon succesful restoration, `origin` will be destroyed, all its funds are transferred to
/// the restored account. The restored account will inherit the last write block and its last
/// deduct block will be set to the current block.
pub fn restore_to<T: Trait>(
	origin: T::AccountId,
	dest: T::AccountId,
	code_hash: CodeHash<T>,
	rent_allowance: BalanceOf<T>,
	delta: Vec<crate::exec::StorageKey>,
) -> Result<(), &'static str> {
	let mut origin_contract = <ContractInfoOf<T>>::get(&origin)
		.and_then(|c| c.get_alive())
		.ok_or("Cannot restore from inexisting or tombstone contract")?;

	let child_trie_info = origin_contract.child_trie_info();

	let current_block = <frame_system::Module<T>>::block_number();

	if origin_contract.last_write == Some(current_block) {
		return Err("Origin TrieId written in the current block");

	let dest_tombstone = <ContractInfoOf<T>>::get(&dest)
		.and_then(|c| c.get_tombstone())
		.ok_or("Cannot restore to inexisting or alive contract")?;

	let last_write = if !delta.is_empty() {
	} else {

	let key_values_taken = delta.iter()
		.filter_map(|key| {
			child::get_raw(&child_trie_info, &blake2_256(key)).map(|value| {
				child::kill(&child_trie_info, &blake2_256(key));
				(key, value)

	let tombstone = <TombstoneContractInfo<T>>::new(
		// This operation is cheap enough because last_write (delta not included)
		// is not this block as it has been checked earlier.

	if tombstone != dest_tombstone {
		for (key, value) in key_values_taken {
			child::put_raw(&child_trie_info, &blake2_256(key), &value);

		return Err("Tombstones don't match");

	origin_contract.storage_size -= key_values_taken.iter()
		.map(|(_, value)| value.len() as u32)

	<ContractInfoOf<T>>::insert(&dest, ContractInfo::Alive(AliveContractInfo::<T> {
		trie_id: origin_contract.trie_id,
		storage_size: origin_contract.storage_size,
		empty_pair_count: origin_contract.empty_pair_count,
		total_pair_count: origin_contract.total_pair_count,
		deduct_block: current_block,

	let origin_free_balance = T::Currency::free_balance(&origin);
	T::Currency::make_free_balance_be(&origin, <BalanceOf<T>>::zero());
	T::Currency::deposit_creating(&dest, origin_free_balance);
