pallet-contracts 2.0.0-rc6

FRAME pallet for WASM contracts
	(import "seal0" "seal_get_storage" (func $seal_get_storage (param i32 i32 i32) (result i32)))
	(import "seal0" "seal_set_storage" (func $seal_set_storage (param i32 i32 i32)))
	(import "seal0" "seal_input" (func $seal_input (param i32 i32)))
	(import "env" "memory" (memory 16 16))

	;; [0, 32) storage key
	(data (i32.const 0) "\01")

	;; [32, 36) buffer where input is copied (expected size of storage item)

	;; [36, 40) size of the input buffer
	(data (i32.const 36) "\04")

	;; [40, 44) size of buffer for seal_get_storage set to max
	(data (i32.const 40) "\FF\FF\FF\FF")

	;; [44, inf) seal_get_storage buffer

	(func $assert (param i32)
		(block $ok
			(br_if $ok
				(get_local 0)

	(func (export "call")
		(call $seal_input (i32.const 32) (i32.const 36))

		;; assert input size == 4
		(call $assert
				(i32.load (i32.const 36))
				(i32.const 4)

		;; place a garbage value in storage, the size of which is specified by the call input.
		(call $seal_set_storage
			(i32.const 0)		;; Pointer to storage key
			(i32.const 0)		;; Pointer to value
			(i32.load (i32.const 32))	;; Size of value

		(call $assert
				(call $seal_get_storage
					(i32.const 0)		;; Pointer to storage key
					(i32.const 44)		;; buffer where to copy result
					(i32.const 40)		;; pointer to size of buffer
				(i32.const 0)

		(call $assert
				(i32.load (i32.const 40))
				(i32.load (i32.const 32))

	(func (export "deploy"))
