palette 0.5.0

Makes linear color calculations and conversion easy and accessible for anyone.
optional = true
version = "0.8"
default-features = false
version = "0.3"

default-features = false
version = "0.2"

version = "0.5.0"

optional = true
version = "0.8"

features = ["serde_derive"]
optional = true
version = "1"
version = "2"

version = "1"

version = "0.22"

version = "1"

version = "1"

version = "1"

version = "1"

default = ["named_from_str", "std"]
libm = ["num-traits/libm"]
named = []
named_from_str = ["named", "phf", "phf_codegen", "std"]
serializing = ["serde", "std"]
std = ["approx/std", "num-traits/std"]
strict = []

authors = ["Erik Hedvall <>"]
build = "build/"
description = "Makes linear color calculations and conversion easy and accessible for anyone."
documentation = ""
exclude = ["scripts/*", "examples/*", "tests/*", "res/*", ".travis.yml", ".gitignore", "", "", ""]
keywords = ["color", "colour", "space", "linear"]
license = "MIT OR Apache-2.0"
name = "palette"
readme = ""
repository = ""
version = "0.5.0"