palaver 0.1.0

Cross-platform polyfills. This library attempts to provide reliable pollyfills for functionality that isn't implemented on all platforms, for example `gettid`, `memfd_create`, `fexecve`, as well as providing non-atomic versions of functions like `accept4`, `socket`+`SOCK_CLOEXEC`, `pipe2`, an other miscellanea like `seal` to make a file descriptor read-only thus suitable for `fexecve`.

palaver Apache-2.0 licensed Build Status Build Status


Cross-platform polyfills.

This library attempts to provide reliable pollyfills for functionality that isn't implemented on all platforms, for example gettid, memfd_create, fexecve, as well as providing non-atomic versions of functions like accept4, socket+SOCK_CLOEXEC, pipe2, and other miscellanea like seal to make a file descriptor read-only thus suitable for fexecve.

palaver = "Platform Abstraction Layer" / pa·lav·er n. – prolonged and tedious fuss.

It's currently used on unix-family systems; most Windows functionality is TODO.


Licensed under Apache License, Version 2.0, (LICENSE.txt or

Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.