pub trait GenericCurveAffine: Copy + Clone + Sized + Send + Sync + Debug + Display + PartialEq + Eq + 'static {
    type Scalar: PrimeField;
    type Base: SqrtField;
    type Projective: GenericCurveProjective<Affine = Self, Scalar = Self::Scalar, Base = Self::Base>;

    fn zero() -> Self;
    fn one() -> Self;
    fn is_zero(&self) -> bool;
    fn negate(&mut self);
    fn mul<S: Into<<Self::Scalar as PrimeField>::Repr>>(
        other: S
    ) -> Self::Projective; fn into_projective(&self) -> Self::Projective; fn as_xy(&self) -> (&Self::Base, &Self::Base); fn into_xy_unchecked(self) -> (Self::Base, Self::Base); fn from_xy_unchecked(x: Self::Base, y: Self::Base) -> Self; fn from_xy_checked(
        x: Self::Base,
        y: Self::Base
    ) -> Result<Self, GroupDecodingError>; fn a_coeff() -> Self::Base; fn b_coeff() -> Self::Base; }
Expand description

Affine representation of an elliptic curve point guaranteed to be in the correct prime order subgroup.

Required Associated Types

Required Methods

Returns the additive identity.

Returns a fixed generator of unknown exponent.

Determines if this point represents the point at infinity; the additive identity.

Negates this element.

Performs scalar multiplication of this element with mixed addition.

Converts this element into its affine representation.

Returns references to underlying X and Y coordinates. Users should check for infinity outside of this call

Returns underlying X and Y coordinates. Users should check for infinity outside of this call

Creates a point from raw X and Y coordinates. Point of infinity is encoded as (0,0) by default. On-curve check is NOT performed

Creates a point from raw X and Y coordinates. Point of infinity is encoded as (0,0) by default. On-curve check is performed

returns A coefficient for a short Weierstrass form

returns B coefficient for a short Weierstrass form
