[][src]Module paho_mqtt::server_response

Responses coming back from the server. The Token module for the Paho MQTT Rust client library.

Asynchronous operations return a Token that is a type of future. It can be used to determine if an operation has completed, block and wait for the operation to complete, and obtain the final result. For example, you can start a connection, do something else, and then wait for the connection to complete.

The Token object implements the Future trait, and thus can be used and combined with any other Rust futures.



The response from the server on a connect request.


Responses coming back from the server from client requests.



The possible responses that may come back from the server, depending on the type of request.


The server requests that expect a response. This is required because the alt union of the MQTTAsync_successData struct from C library doesn't indicate which field is valid.