paho-mqtt 0.9.1

The Official Eclipse Paho MQTT Rust Client Library. This is a wrapper around the Paho C library.
// paho-mqtt/examples/
// This is a Paho MQTT Rust client, sample application.
//! This application is an MQTT subscriber using the asynchronous client
//! interface of the Paho Rust client library. It maintains a dynamic
//! set of subscription topics in the client's user data, and employs
//! callbacks to receive messages and status updates. It also monitors
//! for disconnects and performs manual re-connections.
//! The MQTT client lets an application keep a single "User Data" item as a
//! boxed `Any`. It is set when the client is created and can be accessed
//! from the various callbacks. It must adhere to Rust's usual concurrency
//! and safety rules, so if it is to be updated by the application and
//! callbacks, then it must be thread protected. In this example, we use a
//! `RwLock` to provide thread safety.
//! This sample demonstrates:
//!   - Connecting to an MQTT server/broker.
//!   - Client user data
//!   - Subscribing to multiple topics simultaneously
//!   - Receiving messages through the callback API
//!   - Receiving network disconnect updates and attempting manual reconnects.
//!   - Using a "clean session" and manually re-subscribing to topics on
//!     reconnect.
//!   - Last will and testament

 * Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Frank Pagliughi <>
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * and Eclipse Distribution License v1.0 which accompany this distribution.
 * The Eclipse Public License is available at
 * and the Eclipse Distribution License is available at
 * Contributors:
 *    Frank Pagliughi - initial implementation and documentation

use paho_mqtt as mqtt;

use std::{

// The topics to which we subscribe.
const DFLT_TOPICS: &[&str] = &[ "requests/subscription/add", "test", "hello" ];
const QOS: i32 = 1;

// The type we'll use to keep our dynamic list of topics inside the
// MQTT client. Since we want to update it after creating the client,
// we need to wrap the data in a lock, like a Mutex or RwLock.
type UserTopics = RwLock<Vec<String>>;


// Callback for a successful connection to the broker.
// We subscribe to the topic(s) we want here.
fn on_connect_success(cli: &mqtt::AsyncClient, _msgid: u16) {
    println!("Connection succeeded");
    let data = cli.user_data().unwrap();

    if let Some(lock) = data.downcast_ref::<UserTopics>() {
        let topics =;
        println!("Subscribing to topics: {:?}", topics);

        // Create a QoS vector, same len as # topics
        let qos = vec![QOS ; topics.len()];
        // Subscribe to the desired topic(s).
        cli.subscribe_many(&topics, &qos);
        // TODO: This doesn't yet handle a failed subscription.

// Callback for a failed attempt to connect to the server.
// We simply sleep and then try again.
// Note that normally we don't want to do a blocking operation or sleep
// from  within a callback. But in this case, we know that the client is
// *not* conected, and thus not doing anything important. So we don't worry
// too much about stopping its callback thread.
fn on_connect_failure(cli: &mqtt::AsyncClient, _msgid: u16, rc: i32) {
    println!("Connection attempt failed with error code {}.\n", rc);
    cli.reconnect_with_callbacks(on_connect_success, on_connect_failure);


fn main() {
    // Initialize the logger from the environment

    let host = env::args().nth(1).unwrap_or_else(||

    let topics: Vec<String> = DFLT_TOPICS.iter()
        .map(|s| s.to_string())

    // Create the client. Use an ID for a persistent session.
    // A real system should try harder to use a unique ID.
    let create_opts = mqtt::CreateOptionsBuilder::new()

    // Create the client connection
    let mut cli = mqtt::AsyncClient::new(create_opts).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
        println!("Error creating the client: {:?}", e);

    // Set a closure to be called whenever the client connection is established.
    cli.set_connected_callback(|_cli: &mqtt::AsyncClient| {

    // Set a closure to be called whenever the client loses the connection.
    // It will attempt to reconnect, and set up function callbacks to keep
    // retrying until the connection is re-established.
    cli.set_connection_lost_callback(|cli: &mqtt::AsyncClient| {
        println!("Connection lost. Attempting reconnect.");
        cli.reconnect_with_callbacks(on_connect_success, on_connect_failure);

    // Attach a closure to the client to receive callback
    // on incoming messages.
    cli.set_message_callback(|cli,msg| {
        if let Some(msg) = msg {
            let topic = msg.topic();
            let payload_str = msg.payload_str();

            if topic == "requests/subscription/add" {
                let data = cli.user_data().unwrap();
                if let Some(lock) = data.downcast_ref::<UserTopics>() {
                    let mut topics = lock.write().unwrap();
                    let new_topic = payload_str.to_owned().to_string();
                    println!("Adding topic: {}", new_topic);
                    cli.subscribe(&new_topic, QOS);
                else {
                    println!("Failed to add topic: {}", payload_str);
            else {
                println!("{} - {}", topic, payload_str);

    // Define the set of options for the connection
    let lwt = mqtt::Message::new("test", "Async subscriber lost connection", 1);

    let conn_opts = mqtt::ConnectOptionsBuilder::new()

    // Make the connection to the broker
    println!("Connecting to the MQTT server...");
    cli.connect_with_callbacks(conn_opts, on_connect_success, on_connect_failure);

    // Just wait for incoming messages.
    loop {

    // Hitting ^C will exit the app and cause the broker to publish
    // the LWT message since we're not disconnecting cleanly.