paho-mqtt-redis 0.2.1

A library for providing persistence to a Paho MQTT Rust client using Redis as the backing store.
# mqtt-redis
A library to use Redis as the persistence store for Paho Rust MQTT clients.

MQTT is a light-weight, distributed, messaging system particularly tailored for devices that have unreliable network connections. Part of the way it achieves a higher quality of service is that clients can use a persistence store to keep messages tha are in-flight until they are confirmed as received by the remote system. This way, even if the client application crashes and restarts, the messages can be confirmed or re-sent.

Typically messages are persisted to disk. On some smaller flash-based devices, such as Embedded Linux systems, this might not be the most efficient means to store the messages. A Redis server, running on the client device can serve as a convenient store for messages.

## The Paho MQTT Rust Library

The Paho MQTT Rust library is a new wrapper around the Paho C library. As of this time it is still unpublished and in an incubator state. The source repository lives on GitHub at:

The `Cargo.toml` file lists a local address for the project. This should be updated to wherever the Git repository is cloned on your local system.

## Rust Redis Client

This library uses the "redis" crate v0.8 to communicate with the Redis server. It is listed as a dependency in the `Cargo.toml` file. The project's home page can be found at:

Note that this client assumes that Redis is running on the local machine, bound to localhost using the default Redis port. It probably wouldn't make a lot of sense to use a remote service as a persistence store since its primary purpose is to protect from unreliable network connections. Thus, using a local service seems the proper choice. But it would be trivial to update the RedisClient constructor `RedisPersistence::new()` to take a URI string to specify another server or port.

## The MQTT Persistence Model

The Paho Rust library contains a trait that can be used to supply a user-defined persistence:

pub trait ClientPersistence {
	fn open(&mut self, client_id: &str, server_uri: &str) -> MqttResult<()>;
	fn close(&mut self) -> MqttResult<()>;

	fn put(&mut self, key: &str, buffers: Vec<&[u8]>) -> MqttResult<()>;
	fn get(&self, key: &str) -> MqttResult<Vec<u8>>;

	fn remove(&mut self, key: &str) -> MqttResult<()>;
	fn keys(&self) -> MqttResult<Vec<String>>;
	fn clear(&mut self) -> MqttResult<()>; 
	fn contains_key(&self, key: &str) -> bool;


These operations map closely to those provided by key/value stores such as hash maps. Redis can implement these operations on a one-to-one basis using a hash type, with the operations `hset`, `hget`, `hdel`, `hkeys`, `del`, and `hexists`. The `key` string sent to the functions can act as the Redis hash field.

The name (primary key) for the hash is generated by concatenating the `client_id` and `server_uri` as provided to the call to `open()`.

The bulk of this library is dedicated to the implementation of a `RedisPersistence` struct which implements the `ClientPersistence` trait for use with a Redis server.

## The MQTT Rust Client

Using the Redis persisence is fairly trivial. There's an example application, `` demonstrating its use. Simply do the following:

1. Create an instance of a `RedisPersistence`struct.
2. Create an instance of an MQTT `CreateOptions` struct, specifying the RedisPersistence object as the user-defined persistence.
3. Create an MQTT client, using the options.

It can be done like this:
let persistence = RedisPersistence::new();

let create_opts = mqtt::CreateOptionsBuilder::new()

let cli = mqtt::AsyncClient::new(create_opts).unwrap_or_else(|e| {
    println!("Error creating the client: {:?}", e);


The library will then automatically use the Redis persistence to save and restore messages and other data as needed.