pact_models 1.0.4

Pact-Rust support library that provides the core models for dealing with Pact files
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::{Display, Formatter};
use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};
use std::str::from_utf8;

use base64::encode;
use itertools::Itertools;
use maplit::hashmap;
use serde_json::{json, Value};
use tracing::warn;

use crate::{DifferenceType, PactSpecification};
use crate::bodies::OptionalBody;
use crate::generators::{Generators, generators_from_json, generators_to_json};
use crate::http_parts::HttpPart;
use crate::json_utils::{body_from_json, headers_from_json, headers_to_json};
use crate::matchingrules::{matchers_from_json, matchers_to_json, MatchingRules};
use crate::v4::http_parts::HttpResponse;

/// Struct that defines the response.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq)]
pub struct Response {
  /// Response status
  pub status: u16,
  /// Response headers
  pub headers: Option<HashMap<String, Vec<String>>>,
  /// Response body
  pub body: OptionalBody,
  /// Response matching rules
  pub matching_rules: MatchingRules,
  /// Response generators
  pub generators: Generators

impl Response {

  /// Build a `Response` from a `Value` struct.
  pub fn from_json(response: &Value, _: &PactSpecification
  ) -> anyhow::Result<Response> {
    let status_val = match response.get("status") {
      Some(v) => v.as_u64().unwrap() as u16,
      None => 200
    let headers = headers_from_json(response);
    Ok(Response {
      status: status_val,
      headers: headers.clone(),
      body: body_from_json(response, "body", &headers),
      matching_rules: matchers_from_json(response, &Some("responseMatchingRules".to_string()))?,
      generators: generators_from_json(response)?,

  /// Returns a default response: Status 200
  #[deprecated(since="0.5.4", note="please use `default()` from the standard Default trait instead")]
  pub fn default_response() -> Response {

  /// Converts this response to a `Value` struct.
  pub fn to_json(&self, spec_version: &PactSpecification) -> Value {
    let mut json = json!({
        "status" : json!(self.status)
      let map = json.as_object_mut().unwrap();
      if self.headers.is_some() {
        map.insert("headers".to_string(), headers_to_json(&self.headers.clone().unwrap()));
      match self.body {
        OptionalBody::Present(ref body, _, _) => {
          if self.content_type().unwrap_or_default().is_json() {
            match serde_json::from_slice(body) {
              Ok(json_body) => { map.insert("body".to_string(), json_body); },
              Err(err) => {
                warn!("Failed to parse json body: {}", err);
                map.insert("body".to_string(), Value::String(encode(body)));
          } else {
            match from_utf8(body) {
              Ok(s) => map.insert("body".to_string(), Value::String(s.to_string())),
              Err(_) => map.insert("body".to_string(), Value::String(encode(body)))
        OptionalBody::Empty => { map.insert("body".to_string(), Value::String("".to_string())); },
        OptionalBody::Missing => (),
        OptionalBody::Null => { map.insert("body".to_string(), Value::Null); }
      if self.matching_rules.is_not_empty() {
        map.insert("matchingRules".to_string(), matchers_to_json(
          &self.matching_rules.clone(), spec_version));
      if self.generators.is_not_empty() {
        map.insert("generators".to_string(), generators_to_json(
          &self.generators.clone(), spec_version));

  /// Return a description of all the differences from the other response
  pub fn differences_from(&self, other: &Response) -> Vec<(DifferenceType, String)> {
    let mut differences = vec![];
    if self.status != other.status {
      differences.push((DifferenceType::Status, format!("Response status {} != {}", self.status, other.status)));
    if self.headers != other.headers {
      differences.push((DifferenceType::Headers, format!("Response headers {:?} != {:?}", self.headers, other.headers)));
    if self.body != other.body {
      differences.push((DifferenceType::Body, format!("Response body '{:?}' != '{:?}'", self.body, other.body)));
    if self.matching_rules != other.matching_rules {
      differences.push((DifferenceType::MatchingRules, format!("Response matching rules {:?} != {:?}", self.matching_rules, other.matching_rules)));

  /// Convert this response to V4 format
  pub fn as_v4_response(&self) -> HttpResponse {
    HttpResponse {
      status: self.status,
      headers: self.headers.clone(),
      body: self.body.clone(),
      matching_rules: self.matching_rules.clone(),
      generators: self.generators.clone()

impl HttpPart for Response {
  fn headers(&self) -> &Option<HashMap<String, Vec<String>>> {

  fn headers_mut(&mut self) -> &mut HashMap<String, Vec<String>> {
    if self.headers.is_none() {
      self.headers = Some(hashmap!{});

  fn body(&self) -> &OptionalBody {

  fn body_mut(&mut self) -> &mut OptionalBody {
    &mut self.body

  fn matching_rules(&self) -> &MatchingRules {

  fn matching_rules_mut(&mut self) -> &mut MatchingRules {
    &mut self.matching_rules

  fn generators(&self) -> &Generators {

  fn generators_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Generators {
    &mut self.generators

  fn lookup_content_type(&self) -> Option<String> {

impl Hash for Response {
  fn hash<H: Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
    if let Some(headers) = &self.headers {
      for (k, v) in headers.iter().sorted_by(|(a, _), (b, _)| Ord::cmp(a, b)) {

impl PartialEq for Response {
  fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
    self.status == other.status && self.headers == other.headers && self.body == other.body &&
      self.matching_rules == other.matching_rules && self.generators == other.generators

  fn ne(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
    self.status != other.status || self.headers != other.headers || self.body != other.body ||
      self.matching_rules != other.matching_rules || self.generators != other.generators

impl Display for Response {
  fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
    write!(f, "Response ( status: {}, headers: {:?}, body: {} )", self.status, self.headers,

impl Default for Response {
  fn default() -> Self {
    Response {
      status: 200,
      headers: None,
      body: OptionalBody::Missing,
      matching_rules: MatchingRules::default(),
      generators: Generators::default()

mod tests {
  use std::collections::hash_map::DefaultHasher;
  use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher};

  use expectest::prelude::*;
  use maplit::hashmap;

  use crate::bodies::OptionalBody;
  use crate::PactSpecification;
  use crate::response::Response;

  fn response_from_json_defaults_to_status_200() {
    let response_json : serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(r#"
          "headers": {}
    let response = Response::from_json(&response_json, &PactSpecification::V1_1);
    assert_eq!(response.unwrap().status, 200);

  fn response_to_json_with_defaults() {
    let response = Response::default();

  fn response_to_json_with_headers() {
    let response = Response { headers: Some(hashmap!{
        "HEADERA".to_string() => vec!["VALUEA".to_string()],
        "HEADERB".to_string() => vec!["VALUEB1, VALUEB2".to_string()]
    }), .. Response::default() };
      be_equal_to(r#"{"headers":{"HEADERA":"VALUEA","HEADERB":"VALUEB1, VALUEB2"},"status":200}"#)

  fn response_to_json_with_json_body() {
    let response = Response { headers: Some(hashmap!{
        "Content-Type".to_string() => vec!["application/json".to_string()]
    }), body: OptionalBody::Present(r#"{"key": "value"}"#.into(), None, None), .. Response::default() };

  fn response_to_json_with_non_json_body() {
    let response = Response { headers: Some(hashmap!{ "Content-Type".to_string() => vec!["text/plain".to_string()] }),
      body: OptionalBody::Present("This is some text".into(), None, None), .. Response::default() };
      be_equal_to(r#"{"body":"This is some text","headers":{"Content-Type":"text/plain"},"status":200}"#)

  fn response_to_json_with_empty_body() {
    let response = Response { body: OptionalBody::Empty, .. Response::default() };

  fn response_to_json_with_null_body() {
    let response = Response { body: OptionalBody::Null, .. Response::default() };

  fn hash<T: Hash>(t: &T) -> u64 {
    let mut s = DefaultHasher::new();
    t.hash(&mut s);

  fn hash_for_response() {
    let response1 = Response::default();
    let response2 = Response { status: 400, .. Response::default() };
    let response3 = Response { headers: Some(hashmap!{
        "H1".to_string() => vec!["A".to_string()]
    }), .. Response::default() };
    let response4 = Response { headers: Some(hashmap!{
        "H1".to_string() => vec!["B".to_string()]
    }), .. Response::default() };