pact_models 0.2.0-beta.2

Pact-Rust support library that provides the core models for dealing with Pact files
extern crate parse_zoneinfo;

use parse_zoneinfo::line::{LineParser, Line};
use parse_zoneinfo::table::TableBuilder;
use parse_zoneinfo::transitions::TableTransitions;
use std::path::Path;
use std::{io, env};
use std::fs;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Write};
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use maplit::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;

fn strip_comments(mut line: String) -> String {
  line.find('#').map(|pos| line.truncate(pos));

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
  let parser = LineParser::new();
  let mut table = TableBuilder::new();

  for entry in fs::read_dir(Path::new("tzdata"))? {
    let entry = entry?;
    let f = File::open(entry.path())?;
    let lines = BufReader::new(f).lines();
    for line in lines {
      match parser.parse_str(&strip_comments(line?)).unwrap() {
        Line::Zone(zone) => table.add_zone_line(zone).unwrap(),
        Line::Continuation(cont) => table.add_continuation_line(cont).unwrap(),
        Line::Rule(rule) => table.add_rule_line(rule).unwrap(),
        Line::Link(link) => table.add_link_line(link).unwrap(),
        Line::Space => ()

  let table =;
  let timezone_db_path = Path::new(&env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()).join("");
  let mut timezone_db_file = File::create(&timezone_db_path)?;
  write!(timezone_db_file, "use lazy_static::*;\n")?;
  write!(timezone_db_file, "use maplit::*;\n")?;
  write!(timezone_db_file, "use std::collections::HashSet;\n")?;
  write!(timezone_db_file, "use std::collections::HashMap;\n")?;
  write!(timezone_db_file, "\n")?;
  write!(timezone_db_file, "lazy_static!{{\n")?;
  write!(timezone_db_file, "  pub static ref ZONES: HashSet<&'static str> = hashset!(\n")?;

  let zones = table.zonesets.keys().chain(table.links.keys()).collect::<BTreeSet<_>>();
  for zone in &zones {
    write!(timezone_db_file, "    \"{}\",\n", zone)?;

  write!(timezone_db_file, "  );\n")?;
  write!(timezone_db_file, "  pub static ref ZONES_ABBR: HashMap<&'static str, Vec<&'static str>> = hashmap!(\n")?;

  let mut abbr : HashMap<String, Vec<String>> = hashmap!{};
  for zone in &zones {
    let timespans = table.timespans(zone).unwrap().rest;
    for (_, timespan) in timespans {
      if abbr.contains_key(& {
      } else {
        abbr.insert(, vec![zone.to_string()]);

  for (key, val) in abbr {
    write!(timezone_db_file, "    \"{}\" => vec![\n", key)?;
    for v in val {
      write!(timezone_db_file, "      \"{}\",\n", v)?;
    write!(timezone_db_file, "    ],\n")?;

  write!(timezone_db_file, "  );\n")?;
  write!(timezone_db_file, "}}\n")?;
