pact_matching_ffi 0.0.5

Pact matching interface for foreign languages. [DEPRECATED, replaced with pact_ffi]
//! The public FFI functions for initializing, adding sinks to, and applying a logger.

use std::convert::TryFrom;
use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
use std::ptr;
use std::str::from_utf8;

use fern::Dispatch;
use libc::{c_char, c_int};
use log::{error, LevelFilter as LogLevelFilter};

use pact_matching::logging::fetch_buffer_contents;

use crate::error::set_error_msg;
use crate::log::level_filter::LevelFilter;
use crate::log::logger::{add_sink, apply_logger, set_logger};
use crate::log::sink::Sink;
use crate::log::status::Status;
use crate::util::string::to_c;

/// Convenience function to direct all logging to stdout.
pub extern "C" fn log_to_stdout(level_filter: LevelFilter) -> c_int {

    let spec = match CString::new("stdout") {
        Ok(spec) => spec,
        Err(e) => {
            return Status::CantConstructSink as c_int;

    let status = logger_attach_sink(spec.as_ptr(), level_filter);
    if status != 0 {
        return status;

    let status = logger_apply();
    if status != 0 {
        return status;

    Status::Success as c_int

/// Convenience function to direct all logging to stderr.
pub extern "C" fn log_to_stderr(level_filter: LevelFilter) -> c_int {

    let spec = match CString::new("stderr") {
        Ok(spec) => spec,
        Err(e) => {
            return Status::CantConstructSink as c_int;

    let status = logger_attach_sink(spec.as_ptr(), level_filter);
    if status != 0 {
        return status;

    let status = logger_apply();
    if status != 0 {
        return status;

    Status::Success as c_int

/// Convenience function to direct all logging to a file.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn log_to_file(
    file_name: *const c_char,
    level_filter: LevelFilter,
) -> c_int {

    let spec = {
        if file_name.is_null() {
            return Status::CantConstructSink as c_int;

        let file_name =
            match CStr::from_ptr(file_name).to_str() {
                Ok(file_name) => file_name,
                Err(e) => {
                    return Status::CantConstructSink as c_int;

        let spec = format!("file {}", file_name);

        match CString::new(spec) {
            Ok(spec) => spec,
            Err(e) => {
                return Status::CantConstructSink as c_int;

    let status = logger_attach_sink(spec.as_ptr(), level_filter);
    if status != 0 {
        return status;

    let status = logger_apply();
    if status != 0 {
        return status;

    Status::Success as c_int

/// Convenience function to direct all logging to a thread local memory buffer.
pub extern "C" fn log_to_buffer(level_filter: LevelFilter) -> c_int {

  let spec = match CString::new("buffer") {
    Ok(spec) => spec,
    Err(e) => {
      return Status::CantConstructSink as c_int;

  let status = logger_attach_sink(spec.as_ptr(), level_filter);
  if status != 0 {
    return status;

  let status = logger_apply();
  if status != 0 {
    return status;

  Status::Success as c_int

// C API uses something like the pledge API to select write locations, including:
// * stdout (`logger_attach_sink("stdout", LevelFilter_Info)`)
// * stderr (`logger_attach_sink("stderr", LevelFilter_Debug)`)
// * file w/ file path (`logger_attach_sink("file /some/file/path", LevelFilter_Trace)`)
// The general flow is:
// 1. Call `logger_init` to create a `Dispatch` struct.
// 2. Call `logger_attach_sink` to add an additional sink, using bitflags to set the metadata.
// 3. Call `logger_apply` to finalize the logger and enable logging to the configured sinks.
// Once `logger_apply` has been called, any additional calls to `logger_attach_sink` will fail
// with an error indicating the logger has been applied already.
// ```
// logger_init();
// int result = logger_attach_sink("stderr", FilterLevel_Debug);
// /* handle the error */
// int result = logger_attach_sink("file /some/file/path", FilterLevel_Info);
// /* handle the error */
// int result = logger_apply();
// /* handle the error */
// ```

/// Initialize the thread-local logger with no sinks.
/// This initialized logger does nothing until `logger_apply` has been called.
/// # Usage
/// ```c
/// logger_init();
/// ```
/// # Safety
/// This function is always safe to call.
pub extern "C" fn logger_init() {

/// Attach an additional sink to the thread-local logger.
/// This logger does nothing until `logger_apply` has been called.
/// Three types of sinks can be specified:
/// - stdout (`logger_attach_sink("stdout", LevelFilter_Info)`)
/// - stderr (`logger_attach_sink("stderr", LevelFilter_Debug)`)
/// - file w/ file path (`logger_attach_sink("file /some/file/path", LevelFilter_Trace)`)
/// - buffer (`logger_attach_sink("buffer", LevelFilter_Debug)`)
/// # Usage
/// ```c
/// int result = logger_attach_sink("file /some/file/path", LogLevel_Filter);
/// ```
/// # Error Handling
/// The return error codes are as follows:
/// - `-1`: Can't set logger (applying the logger failed, perhaps because one is applied already).
/// - `-2`: No logger has been initialized (call `logger_init` before any other log function).
/// - `-3`: The sink specifier was not UTF-8 encoded.
/// - `-4`: The sink type specified is not a known type (known types: "stdout", "stderr", or "file /some/path").
/// - `-5`: No file path was specified in a file-type sink specification.
/// - `-6`: Opening a sink to the specified file path failed (check permissions).
/// # Safety
/// This function checks the validity of the passed-in sink specifier, and errors
/// out if the specifier isn't valid UTF-8.
pub extern "C" fn logger_attach_sink(
    sink_specifier: *const c_char,
    level_filter: LevelFilter,
) -> c_int {
    // Get the specifier from the raw C string.
    let sink_specifier = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(sink_specifier) };
    let sink_specifier = match sink_specifier.to_str() {
        Ok(sink_specifier) => sink_specifier,
        // TODO: Permit non-UTF8 strings, as some filesystems may have non-UTF8
        //       paths to which the user wants to direct the logging output.
        Err(_) => return Status::SpecifierNotUtf8 as c_int,

    // Attempt to construct a sink from the specifier.
    let sink = match Sink::try_from(sink_specifier) {
        Ok(sink) => sink,
        Err(err) => return Status::from(err) as c_int,

    // Convert from our `#[repr(C)]` LevelFilter to the one from the `log` crate.
    let level_filter: LogLevelFilter = level_filter.into();

    // Construct a dispatcher from the sink and level filter.
    let dispatch = Into::<Dispatch>::into(sink)
        .format(|out, message, record| {
                "[{}][{}] {}",

    // Take the existing logger, if there is one, add a new sink to it, and put it back.
    let status = match add_sink(dispatch) {
        Ok(_) => Status::Success,
        Err(err) => Status::from(err),

    status as c_int

/// Apply the thread-local logger to the program.
/// Any attempts to modify the logger after the call to `logger_apply` will fail.
pub extern "C" fn logger_apply() -> c_int {
    let status = match apply_logger() {
        Ok(_) => Status::Success,
        Err(err) => Status::from(err),

    status as c_int

/// Fetch the in-memory logger buffer contents. This will only have any contents if the `buffer`
/// sink has been configured to log to. The contents will be allocated on the heap and will need
/// to be freed with `string_delete`.
/// Fetches the logs associated with the provided identifier, or uses the "global" one if the
/// identifier is not specified (i.e. NULL).
/// Returns a NULL pointer if the buffer can't be fetched. This can occur is there is not
/// sufficient memory to make a copy of the contents or the buffer contains non-UTF-8 characters.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn fetch_log_buffer(log_id: *const c_char,) -> *const c_char {
  let id = if log_id.is_null() {
  } else {
  match from_utf8(&fetch_buffer_contents(&id.to_string())) {
    Ok(contents) => match to_c(contents) {
      Ok(c_str) => c_str,
      Err(err) => {
        error!("Failed to copy in-memory log buffer - {}", err);
    Err(err) => {
      error!("Failed to convert in-memory log buffer to UTF-8 = {}", err);