pact_matching_ffi 0.0.4

Pact matching interface for foreign languages.
# cbindgen configuration for Pact Matching FFI
# For more information on cbindgen configuration, see:

# Generate bindings for the C language.
language = "C"

# Wrap generated file in an include guard.
include_guard = "pact_matching_ffi_h"

# Note the version of cbindgen used to generate the header.
include_version = true

# Wrap generated file in C++ compatibility code.
cpp_compat = true

# Generate documentation in Doxygen style.
documentation_style = "doxy"

# Generate C structs as `typedef struct MyType {} MyType;`.
style = "both"

# Header to put at the top of the file (required by Doxygen).
header = """
 * @file
 * @brief "An FFI interface to the `pact_matching` library, enabling cross-language use of Pact's core matching functionality."

# Warning to include saying the file is autogenerated.
autogen_warning = "/* Warning, this file is autogenerated by cbindgen. Don't modify this manually. */"

# Enum Rules


# Prefix enum variants with the name of the overall type.
prefix_with_name = true

# Parsing Rules


# Parse dependencies.
parse_deps = true

# Only include `pact_matching` and `pact_models` (nothing else).
include = ["pact_matching", "pact_models"]

# Macro Expansion Rules


# Expand macros for `pact_matching_ffi`.
crates = ["pact_matching_ffi"]