pact-stub-server 0.4.4

Standalone pact stub server
pact-stub-server-0.4.4 is not a library.

Standalone Pact Stub Server

Build Status Windows Build status

This project provides a server that can generate responses based on pact files. It is a single executable binary. It implements the V3 Pact specification.

Docker Image

Online rust docs

The stub server works by taking all the interactions (requests and responses) from a number of pact files. For each interaction, it will compare any incoming request against those defined in the pact files. If there is a match (based on method, path and query parameters), it will return the response from the pact file.

Note: The stub server was designed to supporting prototyping of mobile applications by stubbing out the backend servers. It will always try to return a response, even when there is not an extract match with the pact files.

Command line interface

The pact stub server is bundled as a single binary executable pact-stub-server. Running this with out any options displays the standard help.

pact-stub-server v0.3.2
Pact Stub Server

    pact-stub-server [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --dir <dir>... --file <file>... --url <url>...

    -o, --cors            Automatically respond to OPTIONS requests and return default CORS headers
        --cors-referer    Set the CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin header to the Referer
    -h, --help            Prints help information
        --insecure-tls    Disables TLS certificate validation
    -v, --version         Prints version information

    -d, --dir <dir>...                                               Directory of pact files to verify (can be repeated)
    -f, --file <file>...                                             Pact file to verify (can be repeated)
    -l, --loglevel <loglevel>
            Log level (defaults to info) [possible values: error, warn, info, debug,
            trace, none]
    -p, --port <port>
            Port to run on (defaults to random port assigned by the OS)

    -s, --provider-state <provider-state>
            Provider state regular expression to filter the responses by

        --provider-state-header-name <provider-state-header-name>
            Name of the header parameter containing the provider state to be used in case multiple matching interactions
            are found
    -t, --token <token>                                              Bearer token to use when fetching pacts from URLS
    -u, --url <url>...                                               URL of pact file to verify (can be repeated)
        --user <user>
            User and password to use when fetching pacts from URLS in user:password form


Log Level

You can control the log level with the -l, --loglevel <loglevel> option. It defaults to info, and the options that you can specify are: error, warn, info, debug, trace, none.

CORS pre-flight requests

If you specify the -o, --cors option, then any un-matched OPTION request will result in a default 200 response. By default the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header will be set to *. If you provide the --cors-referer flag, then it will be set to the value of the Referer header from the request.

Pact File Sources

You can specify the pacts to verify with the following options. They can be repeated to set multiple sources.

Option Type Description
-f, --file <file> File Loads a pact from the given file
-u, --url <url> URL Loads a pact from a URL resource
-d, --dir <dir> Directory Loads all the pacts from the given directory

Note: For URLs that are authenticated, you can use the --user option to set the username and password or the --token to use a bearer token.

Disabling TLS certificate validation

If you need to load pact files from a HTTPS URL that is using a self-signed certificate, you can use the --insecure-tls flag to disable the TLS certificate validation. WARNING: this disables all certificate validations, including expired certificates.

Filtering interactions by provider state

You can filter the interactions by provider state by supplying the --provider-state option. This takes a regular expression that is applied to all interactions before the requests are matched.

Server Options

The running server can be controlled with the following options:

Option Description
-p, --port <port> The port to bind to. If not specified, a random port will be allocated by the operating system.