pacman-repo-builder 0.0.0-rc.62

Build a custom pacman repository from a collection of PKGBUILD directories
# PacMan Repo Builder

[![ Version](](

Build a custom pacman repository from a collection of PKGBUILD directories.

## Runtime Dependencies

* pacman
* makepkg

## Usage

**⚠ WARNING:** This program is meant to be used within a docker container.

### Manifest file

Manifest file is always named `build-pacman-repo.yaml`. It contains instruction to build a pacman repository.

**Example Manifest File:**

# build-pacman-repo.yaml
  repository: repo/repo.db.tar.gz
  container: container
  read-build-metadata: either
  record-failed-builds: failed-builds.yaml
  install-missing-dependencies: false
  clean-before-build: false
  clean-after-build: false
  force-rebuild: true
  pacman: pacman
  arch-filter: [x86_64]
  check: inherit
  packager: Bob <>
  allow-failure: true
  dereference-database-symlinks: true
  - directory: foo
  - directory: bar
    read-build-metadata: pkgbuild
    clean-before-build: false
    force-rebuild: true
    allow-failure: false
  - directory: bar
    install-missing-dependencies: true
    clean-after-build: false
    check: enabled
    pacman: yay
  - directory: baz
    read-build-metadata: srcinfo
    install-missing-dependencies: false
    clean-before-build: true
    clean-after-build: false
    force-rebuild: true
    check: disabled
    pacman: yay
    allow-failure: false

**Field Explanations:**


| Field             | Type   | Description                                                                                                                        |
| `global-settings` | object | Includes global settings from which all members inherit from.<br>Some settings can be overwritten by member customized properties. |
| `member`          | list   | List all members.                                                                                                                  |

_`global-settings`'s own fields:_

| Field                            | Type                           | Required/Optional                      | Description                                                                                                                        |
| `repository`                     | `string`                       | required                               | Path to repository file (typically ends with `.db.tar.gz`).<br>It will be passed to `repo-add` command after each build.           |
| `container`                      | `string`                       | optional, default = `.`                | Directory that contains all build directories (a.k.a. members).                                                                    |
| `record-failed-builds`           | `string`                       | optional                               | If specified, old failed builds shall be skipped, and new failed builds shall be added to the file.                                |
| `arch-filter`                    | <code>"any" \| string[]</code> | optional, default = `any`              | Specify all CPU architectures to build.<br>Either `any` or an array of strings (e.g. `[x86_64, i686]`).                            |
| `packager`                       | `string`                       | optional, default = `Unknown Packager` | Identity of person or entity that produces the packages (i.e. the one who run this program).                                       |
| `dereference-database-symlinks`  | `boolean`                      | optional, default = `false`            | If `true`, all `*.db` and `*.files` symlinks will be converted to real files.                                                      |

_`member`'s own fields:_

| Field       | Type     | Required/Optional | Description                                                                       |
| `directory` | `string` | required          | Path to build directory of each member (relative to `global-settings.container`). |

_Shared Fields:_ Fields that exist in both `global-settings` and `member`. If `global-settings` and `member` both contain a field, `member`'s field will be prioritized.

| Field                          | Type                                         | Default<br>(`global-settings`) | Description                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
| `read-build-metadata`          | <code>either \| srcinfo \| pkgbuild</code>   | `either`                       | Where to read build metadata:<br>`srcinfo`: From `.SRCINFO` file.<br>`pkgbuild`: From output of `makepkg --printsrcinfo`.<br>`either`: From `.SRCINFO` file if it exists, otherwise execute `makepkg --printsrcinfo`. |
| `install-missing-dependencies` | `boolean`                                    | `false`                        | Install packages found in `depends` and `makedepends` before each build.                                                                                                                                              |
| `clean-before-build`           | `boolean`                                    | `false`                        | Clean `$srcdir` and `$pkgdir` before each build.                                                                                                                                                                      |
| `clean-after-build`            | `boolean`                                    | `false`                        | Clean up after each build.                                                                                                                                                                                            |
| `force-rebuild`                | `boolean`                                    | `false`                        | Force build even if target package already exists.                                                                                                                                                                    |
| `check`                        | <code>enabled \| disabled \| inherit</code>  | `inherit`                      | Whether to add `--check` or `--nocheck` to `makepkg` command.                                                                                                                                                         |
| `pacman`                       | `string`                                     | `pacman`                       | Package manager program to use.<br>The program must recognize `pacman`'s CLI arguments and options.                                                                                                                   |
| `allow-failure`                | `boolean`                                    | `false`                        | If `false`, exits immediately when a build fails.<br>If `true`, ignore build failure should one occurs.                                                                                                               |

### Generate manifest file

Listing every member in a manifest file can be a chore. So when there are no members with customized properties, you can generate the manifest file the reflect the build directories instead:

build-pacman-repo print-config \
  --repository $repo_dir/$repo_name.db.tar.gz \
  --container build-directories \
  --require-pkgbuild \
  --require-srcinfo \
  --with-install-missing-dependencies true \
  > build-pacman-repo.yaml

_Note:_ Replace `$repo_dir` with path of your repository directory. This directory would contains all built packages.
_Note:_ Replace `$repo_name` with name of your repository file. This file would be fetched by `pacman` to check for updates.

### Replace `/usr/bin/makepkg` with one that allows running as root

The normal `makepkg` script does not allow running as root. While it may make sense in a user's machine, it inconveniences a Docker container.

build-pacman-repo patch-makepkg --replace

### Build a pacman repositories

build-pacman-repo build

_Note:_ Make sure that `build-pacman-repo.yaml` file exists in current working directory.

### Print help message

build-pacman-repo help

build-pacman-repo --help

build-pacman-repo help $command

build-pacman-repo $command --help

## GitHub Action

[pacman-repo-builder/action]( let you run `build-pacman-repo` on an Arch Linux container.

## Real-world applications


## Frequently Asked Questions

### What does this program do?

Its main purpose is to build a pacman repository. When the `build` command is called, it will read all source infos from either `.SRCINFO` or `PKGBUILD`, sort them by their dependency relationship, then build them one by one.

### Why does this need to be ran inside a container?

In order for this program to function properly, it must make several changes to the host system, such as:
* Replace `/usr/bin/makepkg` with one that allows running as root, so that it may be used in a CI environment.
* Install every built package just in case it may be depended upon by another package.

### A simple shell script should be enough

If your use case is simple, good for you, just use shell script. If you are confident that you can provide all the features with shell script alone, also good for you, but I have already provided them with this program, so you don't have to.

### Why YAML?

It is nice.

## License

[GPLv3]( © [Hoàng Văn Khải](