Module packed_struct::types

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Implementations and wrappers for various packing types.


Types that specify the exact number of bits a packed integer should occupy.


A bit-limited integer, stored in a native type that is at least as many bits wide as the desired size.
A wrapper that packages the integer as a LSB packaged byte array. Usually invoked using code generation.
A wrapper that packages the integer as a MSB packaged byte array. Usually invoked using code generation.
Always packs into the associated bit value. Ignores the input when unpacking.


Convert a native platform integer type into a byte array.
Convert an integer of a specific bit width into native types.
A helper for converting specific bit width signed integers into the native type.

Type Definitions

Packs into a set of ones. Ignores the input when unpacking.
Packs into a set of zeroes. Ignores the input when unpacking.