packable-derive 0.1.0

Derive macro for the `packable` crate.


A crate that provides a [Packable] trait to serialize and deserialize types.

For more information about the design of this crate please read the [Packable], [unpacker], [packer], UnpackError and UnpackErrorExt documentation.


This crate was written as a no_std replacement for the Packable serialization framework used in the Bee node implementation for Chrysalis Part 2.

The old Packable trait

The need for a serialization API existed before Coordicide. Efforts to satisfy this need culminated with the introduction of the Packable trait in the bee-common crate during the Chrysalis part 2 period. Most of the design decisions behind this crate were done to simplify the serialization of the IOTA protocol messages. The proposed trait was the following:

use std::io::{Read, Write};

pub trait Packable {
    type Error: std::fmt::Debug;

    fn packed_len(&self) -> usize;

    fn pack<W: Write>(&self, writer: &mut W) -> Result<(), Self::Error>;

    fn unpack_inner<R: Read + ?Sized, const CHECK: bool>(reader: &mut R) -> Result<Self, Self::Error>
        Self: Sized;

The main issue with this trait is that it cannot be used in a no_std environment because it depends explicitly on the [std::io] API, whose transition to the [core] crate has not been decided yet. Another issue is that the Error type is used to represent three different kinds of errors:

  • Writing errors: Raised when there are issues while writing bytes.
  • Reading errors: Raised when there are issues while reading bytes.
  • Deserialization errors: Raised when the bytes being used to create a value are invalid for the data layout of such value.

Replacing [std::io]

We introduced the Packer and Unpacker taits to abstract away any IO operation without relying on [std::io]. This has the additional benefit of allowing us to pack and unpack values from different kinds of buffers.

Types that implement [Packable]

The [Packable] trait is implemented for every integer type by encoding the value as an array of bytes in little-endian order. Booleans are packed following Rust's data layout, meaning that true is packed as a 1 byte and false as a 0 byte. However, boolean unpacking is less strict and unpacks any non-zero byte as true. Additional implementations of [Packable] are provided for Vec<T>, Box<[T]>, [T; N] and [Option<T>] if T implements [Packable].

Check the [Packable] impl section for further information.

License: Apache-2.0