pac25 0.1.1

Device support crates for PAC25 devices
use core::marker;

/// Raw register type (`u8`, `u16`, `u32`, ...)
pub trait RawReg:
    + Default
    + From<bool>
    + core::ops::BitOr<Output = Self>
    + core::ops::BitAnd<Output = Self>
    + core::ops::BitOrAssign
    + core::ops::BitAndAssign
    + core::ops::Not<Output = Self>
    + core::ops::Shl<u8, Output = Self>
    /// Mask for bits of width `WI`
    fn mask<const WI: u8>() -> Self;
    /// Mask for bits of width 1
    fn one() -> Self;

macro_rules! raw_reg {
    ($U:ty, $size:literal, $mask:ident) => {
        impl RawReg for $U {
            fn mask<const WI: u8>() -> Self {
            fn one() -> Self {
        const fn $mask<const WI: u8>() -> $U {
            <$U>::MAX >> ($size - WI)
        impl FieldSpec for $U {
            type Ux = $U;

raw_reg!(u8, 8, mask_u8);
raw_reg!(u16, 16, mask_u16);
raw_reg!(u32, 32, mask_u32);
raw_reg!(u64, 64, mask_u64);

/// Raw register type
pub trait RegisterSpec {
    /// Raw register type (`u8`, `u16`, `u32`, ...).
    type Ux: RawReg;

/// Raw field type
pub trait FieldSpec: Sized {
    /// Raw field type (`u8`, `u16`, `u32`, ...).
    type Ux: Copy + PartialEq + From<Self>;

/// Trait implemented by readable registers to enable the `read` method.
/// Registers marked with `Writable` can be also be `modify`'ed.
pub trait Readable: RegisterSpec {}

/// Trait implemented by writeable registers.
/// This enables the  `write`, `write_with_zero` and `reset` methods.
/// Registers marked with `Readable` can be also be `modify`'ed.
pub trait Writable: RegisterSpec {
    /// Specifies the register bits that are not changed if you pass `1` and are changed if you pass `0`

    /// Specifies the register bits that are not changed if you pass `0` and are changed if you pass `1`

/// Reset value of the register.
/// This value is the initial value for the `write` method. It can also be directly written to the
/// register by using the `reset` method.
pub trait Resettable: RegisterSpec {
    /// Reset value of the register.
    const RESET_VALUE: Self::Ux;

    /// Reset value of the register.
    fn reset_value() -> Self::Ux {

/// This structure provides volatile access to registers.
pub struct Reg<REG: RegisterSpec> {
    register: vcell::VolatileCell<REG::Ux>,
    _marker: marker::PhantomData<REG>,

unsafe impl<REG: RegisterSpec> Send for Reg<REG> where REG::Ux: Send {}

impl<REG: RegisterSpec> Reg<REG> {
    /// Returns the underlying memory address of register.
    /// ```ignore
    /// let reg_ptr = periph.reg.as_ptr();
    /// ```
    pub fn as_ptr(&self) -> *mut REG::Ux {

impl<REG: Readable> Reg<REG> {
    /// Reads the contents of a `Readable` register.
    /// You can read the raw contents of a register by using `bits`:
    /// ```ignore
    /// let bits =;
    /// ```
    /// or get the content of a particular field of a register:
    /// ```ignore
    /// let reader =;
    /// let bits = reader.field1().bits();
    /// let flag = reader.field2().bit_is_set();
    /// ```
    pub fn read(&self) -> R<REG> {
        R {
            bits: self.register.get(),
            _reg: marker::PhantomData,

impl<REG: Resettable + Writable> Reg<REG> {
    /// Writes the reset value to `Writable` register.
    /// Resets the register to its initial state.
    pub fn reset(&self) {

    /// Writes bits to a `Writable` register.
    /// You can write raw bits into a register:
    /// ```ignore
    /// periph.reg.write(|w| unsafe { w.bits(rawbits) });
    /// ```
    /// or write only the fields you need:
    /// ```ignore
    /// periph.reg.write(|w| w
    ///     .field1().bits(newfield1bits)
    ///     .field2().set_bit()
    ///     .field3().variant(VARIANT)
    /// );
    /// ```
    /// or an alternative way of saying the same:
    /// ```ignore
    /// periph.reg.write(|w| {
    ///     w.field1().bits(newfield1bits);
    ///     w.field2().set_bit();
    ///     w.field3().variant(VARIANT)
    /// });
    /// ```
    /// In the latter case, other fields will be set to their reset value.
    pub fn write<F>(&self, f: F)
        F: FnOnce(&mut W<REG>) -> &mut W<REG>,
            f(&mut W {
                    | REG::ZERO_TO_MODIFY_FIELDS_BITMAP,
                _reg: marker::PhantomData,

impl<REG: Writable> Reg<REG> {
    /// Writes 0 to a `Writable` register.
    /// Similar to `write`, but unused bits will contain 0.
    /// # Safety
    /// Unsafe to use with registers which don't allow to write 0.
    pub unsafe fn write_with_zero<F>(&self, f: F)
        F: FnOnce(&mut W<REG>) -> &mut W<REG>,
            f(&mut W {
                bits: REG::Ux::default(),
                _reg: marker::PhantomData,

impl<REG: Readable + Writable> Reg<REG> {
    /// Modifies the contents of the register by reading and then writing it.
    /// E.g. to do a read-modify-write sequence to change parts of a register:
    /// ```ignore
    /// periph.reg.modify(|r, w| unsafe { w.bits(
    ///    r.bits() | 3
    /// ) });
    /// ```
    /// or
    /// ```ignore
    /// periph.reg.modify(|_, w| w
    ///     .field1().bits(newfield1bits)
    ///     .field2().set_bit()
    ///     .field3().variant(VARIANT)
    /// );
    /// ```
    /// or an alternative way of saying the same:
    /// ```ignore
    /// periph.reg.modify(|_, w| {
    ///     w.field1().bits(newfield1bits);
    ///     w.field2().set_bit();
    ///     w.field3().variant(VARIANT)
    /// });
    /// ```
    /// Other fields will have the value they had before the call to `modify`.
    pub fn modify<F>(&self, f: F)
        for<'w> F: FnOnce(&R<REG>, &'w mut W<REG>) -> &'w mut W<REG>,
        let bits = self.register.get();
                &R {
                    _reg: marker::PhantomData,
                &mut W {
                    bits: bits & !REG::ONE_TO_MODIFY_FIELDS_BITMAP
                        | REG::ZERO_TO_MODIFY_FIELDS_BITMAP,
                    _reg: marker::PhantomData,

pub mod raw {
    use super::{marker, BitM, FieldSpec, RegisterSpec, Unsafe, Writable};

    pub struct R<REG: RegisterSpec> {
        pub(crate) bits: REG::Ux,
        pub(super) _reg: marker::PhantomData<REG>,

    pub struct W<REG: RegisterSpec> {
        ///Writable bits
        pub(crate) bits: REG::Ux,
        pub(super) _reg: marker::PhantomData<REG>,

    pub struct FieldReader<FI = u8>
        FI: FieldSpec,
        pub(crate) bits: FI::Ux,
        _reg: marker::PhantomData<FI>,

    impl<FI: FieldSpec> FieldReader<FI> {
        /// Creates a new instance of the reader.
        pub(crate) fn new(bits: FI::Ux) -> Self {
            Self {
                _reg: marker::PhantomData,

    pub struct BitReader<FI = bool> {
        pub(crate) bits: bool,
        _reg: marker::PhantomData<FI>,

    impl<FI> BitReader<FI> {
        /// Creates a new instance of the reader.
        pub(crate) fn new(bits: bool) -> Self {
            Self {
                _reg: marker::PhantomData,

    pub struct FieldWriter<'a, REG, const WI: u8, const O: u8, FI = u8, Safety = Unsafe>
        REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
        FI: FieldSpec,
        pub(crate) w: &'a mut W<REG>,
        _field: marker::PhantomData<(FI, Safety)>,

    impl<'a, REG, const WI: u8, const O: u8, FI, Safety> FieldWriter<'a, REG, WI, O, FI, Safety>
        REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
        FI: FieldSpec,
        /// Creates a new instance of the writer
        pub(crate) fn new(w: &'a mut W<REG>) -> Self {
            Self {
                _field: marker::PhantomData,

    pub struct BitWriter<'a, REG, const O: u8, FI = bool, M = BitM>
        REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
        bool: From<FI>,
        pub(crate) w: &'a mut W<REG>,
        _field: marker::PhantomData<(FI, M)>,

    impl<'a, REG, const O: u8, FI, M> BitWriter<'a, REG, O, FI, M>
        REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
        bool: From<FI>,
        /// Creates a new instance of the writer
        pub(crate) fn new(w: &'a mut W<REG>) -> Self {
            Self {
                _field: marker::PhantomData,

/// Register reader.
/// Result of the `read` methods of registers. Also used as a closure argument in the `modify`
/// method.
pub type R<REG> = raw::R<REG>;

impl<REG: RegisterSpec> R<REG> {
    /// Reads raw bits from register.
    pub fn bits(&self) -> REG::Ux {

impl<REG: RegisterSpec, FI> PartialEq<FI> for R<REG>
    REG::Ux: PartialEq,
    FI: Copy,
    REG::Ux: From<FI>,
    fn eq(&self, other: &FI) -> bool {

/// Register writer.
/// Used as an argument to the closures in the `write` and `modify` methods of the register.
pub type W<REG> = raw::W<REG>;

/// Field reader.
/// Result of the `read` methods of fields.
pub type FieldReader<FI = u8> = raw::FieldReader<FI>;

/// Bit-wise field reader
pub type BitReader<FI = bool> = raw::BitReader<FI>;

impl<FI: FieldSpec> FieldReader<FI> {
    /// Reads raw bits from field.
    pub fn bits(&self) -> FI::Ux {

impl<FI> PartialEq<FI> for FieldReader<FI>
    FI: FieldSpec + Copy,
    fn eq(&self, other: &FI) -> bool {

impl<FI> PartialEq<FI> for BitReader<FI>
    FI: Copy,
    bool: From<FI>,
    fn eq(&self, other: &FI) -> bool {

impl<FI> BitReader<FI> {
    /// Value of the field as raw bits.
    pub fn bit(&self) -> bool {
    /// Returns `true` if the bit is clear (0).
    pub fn bit_is_clear(&self) -> bool {
    /// Returns `true` if the bit is set (1).
    pub fn bit_is_set(&self) -> bool {

pub struct Safe;
pub struct Unsafe;

/// Write field Proxy with unsafe `bits`
pub type FieldWriter<'a, REG, const WI: u8, const O: u8, FI = u8> =
    raw::FieldWriter<'a, REG, WI, O, FI, Unsafe>;
/// Write field Proxy with safe `bits`
pub type FieldWriterSafe<'a, REG, const WI: u8, const O: u8, FI = u8> =
    raw::FieldWriter<'a, REG, WI, O, FI, Safe>;

impl<'a, REG, const WI: u8, const OF: u8, FI> FieldWriter<'a, REG, WI, OF, FI>
    REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
    FI: FieldSpec,
    /// Field width
    pub const WIDTH: u8 = WI;

impl<'a, REG, const WI: u8, const OF: u8, FI> FieldWriterSafe<'a, REG, WI, OF, FI>
    REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
    FI: FieldSpec,
    /// Field width
    pub const WIDTH: u8 = WI;

macro_rules! bit_proxy {
    ($writer:ident, $mwv:ident) => {
        pub struct $mwv;

        /// Bit-wise write field proxy
        pub type $writer<'a, REG, const O: u8, FI = bool> = raw::BitWriter<'a, REG, O, FI, $mwv>;

        impl<'a, REG, const OF: u8, FI> $writer<'a, REG, OF, FI>
            REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
            bool: From<FI>,
            /// Field width
            pub const WIDTH: u8 = 1;

macro_rules! impl_bit_proxy {
    ($writer:ident) => {
        impl<'a, REG, const OF: u8, FI> $writer<'a, REG, OF, FI>
            REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
            bool: From<FI>,
            /// Writes bit to the field
            pub fn bit(self, value: bool) -> &'a mut W<REG> {
                self.w.bits &= !(REG::Ux::one() << OF);
                self.w.bits |= (REG::Ux::from(value) & REG::Ux::one()) << OF;
            /// Writes `variant` to the field
            pub fn variant(self, variant: FI) -> &'a mut W<REG> {

bit_proxy!(BitWriter, BitM);
bit_proxy!(BitWriter1S, Bit1S);
bit_proxy!(BitWriter0C, Bit0C);
bit_proxy!(BitWriter1C, Bit1C);
bit_proxy!(BitWriter0S, Bit0S);
bit_proxy!(BitWriter1T, Bit1T);
bit_proxy!(BitWriter0T, Bit0T);

impl<'a, REG, const WI: u8, const OF: u8, FI> FieldWriter<'a, REG, WI, OF, FI>
    REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
    FI: FieldSpec,
    REG::Ux: From<FI::Ux>,
    /// Writes raw bits to the field
    /// # Safety
    /// Passing incorrect value can cause undefined behaviour. See reference manual
    pub unsafe fn bits(self, value: FI::Ux) -> &'a mut W<REG> {
        self.w.bits &= !(REG::Ux::mask::<WI>() << OF);
        self.w.bits |= (REG::Ux::from(value) & REG::Ux::mask::<WI>()) << OF;
    /// Writes `variant` to the field
    pub fn variant(self, variant: FI) -> &'a mut W<REG> {
        unsafe { self.bits(FI::Ux::from(variant)) }
impl<'a, REG, const WI: u8, const OF: u8, FI> FieldWriterSafe<'a, REG, WI, OF, FI>
    REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
    FI: FieldSpec,
    REG::Ux: From<FI::Ux>,
    /// Writes raw bits to the field
    pub fn bits(self, value: FI::Ux) -> &'a mut W<REG> {
        self.w.bits &= !(REG::Ux::mask::<WI>() << OF);
        self.w.bits |= (REG::Ux::from(value) & REG::Ux::mask::<WI>()) << OF;
    /// Writes `variant` to the field
    pub fn variant(self, variant: FI) -> &'a mut W<REG> {


impl<'a, REG, const OF: u8, FI> BitWriter<'a, REG, OF, FI>
    REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
    bool: From<FI>,
    /// Sets the field bit
    pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W<REG> {
        self.w.bits |= REG::Ux::one() << OF;
    /// Clears the field bit
    pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W<REG> {
        self.w.bits &= !(REG::Ux::one() << OF);

impl<'a, REG, const OF: u8, FI> BitWriter1S<'a, REG, OF, FI>
    REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
    bool: From<FI>,
    /// Sets the field bit
    pub fn set_bit(self) -> &'a mut W<REG> {
        self.w.bits |= REG::Ux::one() << OF;

impl<'a, REG, const OF: u8, FI> BitWriter0C<'a, REG, OF, FI>
    REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
    bool: From<FI>,
    /// Clears the field bit
    pub fn clear_bit(self) -> &'a mut W<REG> {
        self.w.bits &= !(REG::Ux::one() << OF);

impl<'a, REG, const OF: u8, FI> BitWriter1C<'a, REG, OF, FI>
    REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
    bool: From<FI>,
    ///Clears the field bit by passing one
    pub fn clear_bit_by_one(self) -> &'a mut W<REG> {
        self.w.bits |= REG::Ux::one() << OF;

impl<'a, REG, const OF: u8, FI> BitWriter0S<'a, REG, OF, FI>
    REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
    bool: From<FI>,
    ///Sets the field bit by passing zero
    pub fn set_bit_by_zero(self) -> &'a mut W<REG> {
        self.w.bits &= !(REG::Ux::one() << OF);

impl<'a, REG, const OF: u8, FI> BitWriter1T<'a, REG, OF, FI>
    REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
    bool: From<FI>,
    ///Toggle the field bit by passing one
    pub fn toggle_bit(self) -> &'a mut W<REG> {
        self.w.bits |= REG::Ux::one() << OF;

impl<'a, REG, const OF: u8, FI> BitWriter0T<'a, REG, OF, FI>
    REG: Writable + RegisterSpec,
    bool: From<FI>,
    ///Toggle the field bit by passing zero
    pub fn toggle_bit(self) -> &'a mut W<REG> {
        self.w.bits &= !(REG::Ux::one() << OF);

#[cfg(feature = "atomics")]

mod atomic {
    use super::*;
    use portable_atomic::Ordering;

    pub trait AtomicOperations {
        unsafe fn atomic_or(ptr: *mut Self, val: Self);
        unsafe fn atomic_and(ptr: *mut Self, val: Self);
        unsafe fn atomic_xor(ptr: *mut Self, val: Self);

    macro_rules! impl_atomics {
        ($U:ty, $Atomic:ty) => {
            impl AtomicOperations for $U {
                unsafe fn atomic_or(ptr: *mut Self, val: Self) {
                    (*(ptr as *const $Atomic)).or(val, Ordering::SeqCst);

                unsafe fn atomic_and(ptr: *mut Self, val: Self) {
                    (*(ptr as *const $Atomic)).and(val, Ordering::SeqCst);

                unsafe fn atomic_xor(ptr: *mut Self, val: Self) {
                    (*(ptr as *const $Atomic)).xor(val, Ordering::SeqCst);

    impl_atomics!(u8, portable_atomic::AtomicU8);
    impl_atomics!(u16, portable_atomic::AtomicU16);

    // Exclude 16-bit archs from 32-bit atomics
    #[cfg(not(target_pointer_width = "16"))]
    impl_atomics!(u32, portable_atomic::AtomicU32);

    // Enable 64-bit atomics for 64-bit RISCV
    #[cfg(any(target_pointer_width = "64", target_has_atomic = "64"))]
    impl_atomics!(u64, portable_atomic::AtomicU64);

    impl<REG: Readable + Writable> Reg<REG>
        REG::Ux: AtomicOperations + Default + core::ops::Not<Output = REG::Ux>,
        /// Set high every bit in the register that was set in the write proxy. Leave other bits
        /// untouched. The write is done in a single atomic instruction.
        /// # Safety
        /// The resultant bit pattern may not be valid for the register.
        pub unsafe fn set_bits<F>(&self, f: F)
            F: FnOnce(&mut W<REG>) -> &mut W<REG>,
            let bits = f(&mut W {
                bits: Default::default(),
                _reg: marker::PhantomData,
            REG::Ux::atomic_or(self.register.as_ptr(), bits);

        /// Clear every bit in the register that was cleared in the write proxy. Leave other bits
        /// untouched. The write is done in a single atomic instruction.
        /// # Safety
        /// The resultant bit pattern may not be valid for the register.
        pub unsafe fn clear_bits<F>(&self, f: F)
            F: FnOnce(&mut W<REG>) -> &mut W<REG>,
            let bits = f(&mut W {
                bits: !REG::Ux::default(),
                _reg: marker::PhantomData,
            REG::Ux::atomic_and(self.register.as_ptr(), bits);

        /// Toggle every bit in the register that was set in the write proxy. Leave other bits
        /// untouched. The write is done in a single atomic instruction.
        /// # Safety
        /// The resultant bit pattern may not be valid for the register.
        pub unsafe fn toggle_bits<F>(&self, f: F)
            F: FnOnce(&mut W<REG>) -> &mut W<REG>,
            let bits = f(&mut W {
                bits: Default::default(),
                _reg: marker::PhantomData,
            REG::Ux::atomic_xor(self.register.as_ptr(), bits);