p2panda-rs 0.6.0

All the things a panda needs
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later

//! Error types for creating schema instances and schema ids.
use thiserror::Error;

use crate::schema::SchemaId;

/// Custom errors related to `SchemaId`.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum SchemaIdError {
    /// Encountered a malformed schema id.
    #[error("malformed schema id `{0}`: {1}")]
    MalformedSchemaId(String, String),

    /// Application schema ids must start with the schema's name.
    #[error("application schema id is missing a name: {0}")]

    /// Invalid system schema id.
    #[error("unsupported system schema: {0}")]

    /// Invalid hash in schema id.
    #[error("encountered invalid hash while parsing application schema id: {0}")]
    HashError(#[from] crate::hash::error::HashError),

    /// Handle errors from validating document view ids.
    #[error("encountered invalid document view id while parsing application schema id: {0}")]
    DocumentViewIdError(#[from] crate::document::error::DocumentViewIdError),

    /// Handle errors from validating operation ids.
    #[error("encountered invalid hash while parsing application schema id: {0}")]
    OperationIdError(#[from] crate::operation::error::OperationIdError),

/// Custom errors related to `Schema`.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum SchemaError {
    /// Invalid fields in schema.
    #[error("invalid fields found for this schema")]

    /// Use static definitions of system schemas instead of defining them dynamically.
    #[error("dynamic redefinition of system schema {0}, use `Schema::get_system` instead")]

    /// Schemas must have valid schema ids.
    SchemaIdError(#[from] SchemaIdError),

/// Custom error types for field types.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum FieldTypeError {
    /// Invalid field type found.
    #[error("invalid field type '{0}'")]

    /// Schema ids referenced by relation field types need to be valid.
    RelationSchemaReference(#[from] SchemaIdError),