oysterpack 0.1.1

OysterPack Rust Reactive Platform

OysterPack Rust Reactive Platform

The mission is to provide a platform to build reactive systems in Rust.

Why Rust ?

Because Rust is the best systems programming language for building production grade reactive systems today. It's main competitive advantages are:

  1. Bare metal performance
  2. Memory safety features guarantees with out the need for a garbage collector
    • garbage collectors add resource overhead and add to bloat
  3. Small memory footprint
    • no language runtime required
    • no garbage collector
  4. Rust compiler
    • prevents segfaults
    • prevents data races
    • smartest compiler in the market that detects runtime issues at compile time
    • compiler is designed to help you figure out what went wrong and provides suggestions
  5. Cargo tooling and Rust ecosystem
    • simple to learn and use
    • promotes collaboration and productivity
    • crates.io
    • makes it easy to build and publish crates