oxipng 0.11.0

A lossless PNG compression optimizer
**Version 0.11.0**
 - [SEMVER_MAJOR] Bump minimum rustc version to 1.9.0, required by dependencies
 - [SEMVER_MINOR] Allow calling optimization presets via crate using `Options::from_preset`
 - [SEMVER_MAJOR] Return proper `PngError` type which implements `std::error::Error` from `Result`s
 - Performance optimizations

**Version 0.10.0**
 - [SEMVER_MINOR] Make clap and regex dependencies optional
   - Enabled by default, needed for executable build; can be disabled for use in crates
 - Remove reduction from palette to grayscale, which was not working and provided minimal benefit

**Version 0.9.0**
 - [SEMVER_MAJOR] Significant refactoring of modules
 - Use `itertools` to cleanup areas of code
 - Use multiple threads for filtering trials

**Version 0.8.2**
 - Fix issue where images smaller than 4px width would crash on interlacing ([#42]https://github.com/shssoichiro/oxipng/issues/42)

**Version 0.8.1**
 - Minor optimizations
 - Fix issue where interlaced images with certain widths would fail to optimize

**Version 0.8.0**
 - [SEMVER_MINOR] Add support for optimizing PNGs already loaded into memory via library function

**Version 0.7.0**
 - Minor compression improvement on interlaced images
 - Performance optimizations
 - [SEMVER_MINOR] Move default Options into a Default impl
 - [SEMVER_MINOR] Add option for setting number of threads ([#39]https://github.com/shssoichiro/oxipng/issues/39)

**Version 0.6.0**
 - Fix issue where output directory would not be created if it did not exist
 - Use miniz for compression strategies where it outperforms zlib
 - [SEMVER_MINOR] Partially implement -p / --preserve, as far as stable Rust will allow for now
 - [SEMVER_MINOR] Implement --fix to ignore CRC errors and recalculate correct CRC in output

**Version 0.5.0**
 - [SEMVER_MINOR] Palette entries can now reduced, on by default ([#11]https://github.com/shssoichiro/oxipng/issues/11)
 - Don't report that we are in pretend mode if verbosity is set to none
 - Add cargo bench suite ([#7]https://github.com/shssoichiro/oxipng/issues/7)

**Version 0.4.0**
 - Performance optimizations
 - [SEMVER_MAJOR] `-s` automatically infers `--strip safe` ([#31]https://github.com/shssoichiro/oxipng/issues/31)
 - Update byteorder and clap crates
 - Fix issue where interlaced images incorrectly applied filters on the first line of a pass

**Version 0.3.0**
 - Properly decode interlaced images
 - [SEMVER_MINOR] Allow converting between progressive and interlaced images ([#3]https://github.com/shssoichiro/oxipng/issues/3)
 - Fix a bug that would cause oxipng to crash on very small images

**Version 0.2.2**
 - Limit number of threads to 1.5x number of cores
 - Significantly improve memory usage, especially with high optimization levels. ([#32]https://github.com/shssoichiro/oxipng/issues/32)
 - Refactor output code ([#19]https://github.com/shssoichiro/oxipng/issues/19)

**Version 0.2.1**
 - Add rustdoc for public methods and structs
 - Improve filter mode 5 heuristic ([#16]https://github.com/shssoichiro/oxipng/issues/16)
 - Add tests for edge-case images with subtitles ([#29]https://github.com/shssoichiro/oxipng/issues/29)

**Version 0.2.0**
 - Fix program version that is displayed when running `oxipng -V`
 - Ensure `--quiet` mode is actually quiet (@SethDusek [#20]https://github.com/shssoichiro/oxipng/pull/20)
 - Write status/debug information to stderr instead of stdout
 - Use heuristics to determine best combination for `-o1` ([#21]https://github.com/shssoichiro/oxipng/issues/21)
 - [SEMVER_MAJOR] Allow 'safe', 'all', or comma-separated list as options for `--strip`
 - [SEMVER_MINOR] Add `-s` alias for `--strip`

**Version 0.1.1**
 - Fix `oxipng *` writing all input files to one output file ([#15]https://github.com/shssoichiro/oxipng/issues/15)

**Version 0.1.0**
 - Initial beta release
 - Reduce color type and bit depth
 - Recompress with zlib
 - Multithreading
 - Strip headers option
 - Backup file before writing option
 - Write to stdout option