oxidized-mdf 0.2.0

A crate for reading data storage files of MSSQL's MDF files
name = "oxidized-mdf"
version = "0.2.0"
authors = ["Marc Schreiber <info@schrieveslaach.de>"]
edition = "2018"
description = "A crate for reading data storage files of MSSQL's MDF files"
license = "GPL-3.0"
homepage = "https://gitlab.com/schrieveslaach/oxidized-mdf"
repository = "https://gitlab.com/schrieveslaach/oxidized-mdf.git"
keywords = ["mdf", "parser"]
resolver = "2"

exclude = ["data/*", ".gitlab-ci.yml", ".gitattributes", ".gitignore"]

async-log = "2.0"
async-std = "1.10"
bitvec = "0.22"
byteorder = "1.4"
chrono = "0.4"
encoding_rs = "0.8"
futures-lite = "1.11"
log = "0.4"
num-bigint = "0.4"
rust_decimal = "1.17"
uuid = "0.8"

async-std = { version = "1.9", features = ["attributes"] }
femme = "2.1"
pretty_assertions = "1.0"
prettytable-rs = "0.8"
rstest = "0.11"
structopt = "0.3"