oxide-auth-db 0.1.0

An implement of DB registrar with configurable databases.


A DataBase Registrar Implementation for oxide-auth.


This cargo by-default provides a Redis Registrar Implementation. Users can add different Database Implementation in the db_service package. Then use the feature set to configure which db you want to use in the Cargo.toml file.

default = ["with-redis"]
with-redis = ["r2d2","r2d2_redis"]


Users should have a redis server in their environment and run the commands below to add a test client to redis.

set LocalClient "{\"client_id\":\"LocalClient\",\"redirect_uri\":\"http://localhost:8021/endpoint\",\"additional_redirect_uris\":[],\"default_scope\":\"default-scope\",\"client_secret\":\"$argon2i$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$FAnLM+AwjNhHrKA2aCVxQDmbPHC6jc4xyiX1ioxr66g$7PXkjalEW6ynIrkWDY86zaplnox919Tbd+wlDOmhLDg\"}"

Then you can run the db-example.

$ cargo run db-example

You may have to wait a second after the html page automatically opened.


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