owlish 0.18.0

OWL 2 implementation with wasm support and turtle parsing


This library provides OWL2 datastructures that allow you to build and work with ontologies.

The OWL2 model is based on functional style syntax. E.g. the function

ClassAssertion( :Person :Mary )

Is represented as a similar tuple struct

pub struct ClassAssertion(pub(crate) ClassConstructor, pub(crate) IndividualIRI);


owlish provides two APIs:

  1. A low level representation of OWL based on functional syntax
    • This is exported in owlish::owl::*
  2. A conceptional api that concatenates OWL data for relevant types.
    • TBD

Dev stuff


cargo build


cargo test

Run benchmark tests:

cargo bench

Commits and Releases

This crate uses convenentional commits to create automated releases whenever the main branch is updated. In addition the CHANGELOG.md is automatically generated.