overflower_support 0.1.4

A bunch of specialized traits + impls to allow automated overflow handling without type inference. Nightly only

This defines some traits so we can replace ops with method calls of the respective traits (provided they're in scope) without worrying about argument types (hopefully)

The traits are:

  • AddPanic, SubPanic, MulPanic, DivPanic, RemPanic, ShlPanic, ShrPanic, NegPanic
  • AddWrap, SubWrap, Mulwrap, DivWrap, RemWrap, ShlWrap, ShrWrap, NegWrap
  • AddSaturate, SubSaturate, MulSaturate

The *Panic traits all panic on overflow, the *Wrap traits wrap around and the *Saturate traits saturate.

Note: This needs a nightly compiler because it uses the specialization feature.