overbot 0.1.2

Telegram Bot Manager that abstracts away the boring stuff and leave you the fun
overbot-0.1.2 is not a library.


This program is a work in progress.

Telegram Bot Manager: it abstracts away the boring stuff and leave you the fun.

Proper documentation will arrive eventually (or not).

Example .toml configuration:

token = "bot-token-1"

	prefix = "/json"
	executable = "./json_test.py"
	input = "json"
	output = "json"

allowed = [user_id1, user_id2, group_id1]
token = "bot-token-2"

	prefix = "/uptime"
	executable = "uptime"
	input = "text"
	output = "textmono"

	prefix = "/free"
	executable = "free"
	args = ["-h"]
	input = "text"
	output = "textmono"


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