over 0.6.5

OVER: the best data format.
//! Module containing crate macros.

/// Given an int, creates and returns a `BigInt`.
macro_rules! int {
    ($int:expr) => {{
        use num_bigint::BigInt;

        let _b: BigInt = $int.into();

/// Given two ints, creates and returns a `BigRational`.
macro_rules! frac {
    ($int1:expr, $int2:expr) => {{
        ::num_rational::BigRational::new($int1.into(), $int2.into())

/// Given a list of elements, converts each element to a `Value` and returns an `Arr` containing a
/// vector of the values. For a non-panicking version, see `try_arr!`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the types don't check out.
macro_rules! arr {
    [] => {
    [ $( $elem:expr ),+ , ] => {
        // Rule with trailing comma.
        try_arr![ $( $elem ),+ ].unwrap()
    [ $( $elem:expr ),+ ] => {
        try_arr![ $( $elem ),+ ].unwrap()

/// Given a list of elements, converts each element to a `Value` and returns an `Arr` containing a
/// vector of the values. Returns an `OverResult` instead of panicking on error. To create an empty
/// `Arr`, use `arr!` as it will never fail.
macro_rules! try_arr {
    [ $( $elem:expr ),+ , ] => {
        // Rule with trailing comma.
        try_arr![ $( $elem ),+ ]
    [ $( $elem:expr ),+ ] => {
            $crate::arr::Arr::from_vec(vec![ $( $elem.into() ),+ ])

/// Given a list of elements, converts each element to `Value`s and returns a `Tup` containing a
/// vector of the values.
macro_rules! tup {
    ( $( $elem:expr ),* , ) => {
        tup!( $( $elem ),* )
    ( $( $elem:expr ),* ) => {
            $crate::tup::Tup::from_vec(vec![ $( $elem.into() ),+ ])

/// Given a list of field/value pairs, returns an `Obj` containing each pair.
/// For a non-panicking version, see `try_obj!`.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if a field name is invalid.
macro_rules! obj {
    {} => {
    { $( $field:expr => $inner:expr ),+ , } => {
        // Rule with trailing comma.
        try_obj!{ $( $field => $inner ),+ }.unwrap()
    { $( $field:expr => $inner:expr ),+ } => {
        try_obj!{ $( $field => $inner ),+ }.unwrap()

/// Given a list of field to `Value` pairs, returns an `Obj` with the fields and values.
/// Returns an `OverResult` instead of panicking on error. To create an empty `Obj`, use `obj!` as
/// it will never fail.
macro_rules! try_obj {
    { $( $field:expr => $inner:expr ),+ , } => {
        // Rule with trailing comma.
        try_obj!{ $( $field => $inner ),* };
    { $( $field:expr => $inner:expr ),+ } => {
            use $crate::obj::Obj;

            let mut _map = ::std::collections::HashMap::new();
            let mut _parent: Option<$crate::value::Value> = None;

                if $field == "^" {
                    _parent = Some($inner.into());
                } else {
                    _map.insert($field.into(), $inner.into());

            match _parent {
                Some(parent) => match parent.get_obj() {
                    Ok(parent) => Obj::from_map_with_parent(_map, parent),
                    e @ Err(_) => e,
                None => Obj::from_map(_map),

mod tests {
    use crate::obj::Obj;
    use crate::types::Type::*;
    use crate::value::Value;
    use crate::OverError;

    fn arr_basic() {
            arr![Value::Int(1.into()), Value::Int(2.into())],
            try_arr![1, 2].unwrap()

            arr![-1, 2],
            try_arr![Value::Int(1.into()), Value::Int(2.into())].unwrap()

    fn try_arr_mismatch() {
            try_arr![arr![1, 1], arr!['c']],
        assert_eq!(try_arr![1, 'c'], Err(OverError::ArrTypeMismatch(Int, Char)));

    fn obj_basic() {
        let obj = Obj::from_map_unchecked(map! {"a".into() => 1.into(),
        "b".into() => arr![1, 2].into()});

            obj! {
                "a" => 1,
                "b" => arr![1, 2]