otter-nodejs-tests 1.2.1

Otter game system; JavaScript out-of-browser test support.
// Copyright 2020-2021 Ian Jackson and contributors to Otter
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later
// There is NO WARRANTY.

// OTTER_JST_LOWER_ONLY=exhaustive-05

#![allow(clippy::unnecessary_operation)] // trips on #[throws(Explode)]

use otter_nodejs_tests::*;

pub type Vpid = VisiblePieceId;

pub struct Opts {
  pub nodejs: String,
  pub script: String,

pub struct StartPieceSpec {
  id: Vpid,
  pinned: bool,
  moveable: PieceMoveable,
  zupd: ZUpdateSpec,

macro_rules! sp {
  { $id:expr, $pinned:expr, $moveable:ident } => {
    StartPieceSpec { id: $id.try_into().unwrap(), pinned: $pinned,
                     zupd: ZUS::Auto,
                     moveable: PieceMoveable::$moveable }
  { $id:expr, $pinned:expr, $moveable:ident, $z:expr, $zg:expr } => {
    StartPieceSpec { id: $id.try_into().unwrap(), pinned: $pinned,
                     zupd: ZUS::Spec(ZLevel {
                       z: $z.try_into().unwrap(),
                       zg: Generation($zg),
                     moveable: PieceMoveable::$moveable }

pub struct StartPiece {
  pinned: bool,
  moveable: PieceMoveable,
  zlevel: ZLevel,
  zupd: ZUSD,

pub struct Tests {
  tests: IndexMap<String, Test>,
  only: Option<String>,

pub struct Test {
  name: String,
  #[serde(with = "indexmap::serde_seq")]
  pieces: IndexMap<Vpid, StartPiece>,
  targets: IndexSet<Vpid>,

pub struct TestsAccumulator {
  tests: Tests,
  script: BufWriter<fs::File>,
  tera: tera::Tera,

pub enum ZUpdateSpec {
use ZUpdateSpec as ZUS;
use ZUpdateSpecDiscriminants as ZUSD;

impl ZUSD {
  fn show(&self) -> char {
    match self {
      ZUSD::Auto  => ' ',
      ZUSD::Spec  => '!',
      ZUSD::GOnly => 'g',

impl ZUpdateSpec {
  pub fn next(self, last: &mut zcoord::Mutable, lastg: &mut Generation)
              -> ZLevel {
    match self {
      ZUS::Auto => ZLevel {
        z: last.increment().unwrap(),
        zg: { lastg.increment(); *lastg },
      ZUS::GOnly => ZLevel {
        z: last.repack().unwrap(),
        zg: { lastg.increment(); *lastg },
      ZUS::Spec(zl) => {
        *last = zl.z.clone_mut();
        *lastg = zl.zg;

pub struct ZLevelShow<'z>(pub &'z ZLevel);
impl Display for ZLevelShow<'_> {
  fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) {
    write!(f, "{:<21} {:6}", self.0.z.as_str(), self.0.zg)?;
impl ZLevel {
  fn show(&self) -> ZLevelShow<'_> { ZLevelShow(self) }

impl Test {
  pub fn check(&self) {
    println!("-------------------- {} --------------------", &;

    let mut updated: HashMap<Vpid, ZLevel> = default();
    let mut zg = Generation(100_000);

    for l in BufReader::new(
    ).lines() {
      let l = l?;
      let (op, id, z) = l.splitn(3,' ').collect_tuple().unwrap();
      assert_eq!(op, "setz");
      let id = id.try_into()?;
      let z = z.parse()?;
      let zlevel = ZLevel { z, zg };
      let was = updated.insert(id, zlevel);
      assert!(was.is_none(), "{:?}", id);

    struct PieceCollated<'o,'n> {
      id: Vpid,
      old_z: &'o ZLevel,
      new_z: &'n ZLevel,
      target: bool,
      heavy: bool,
      updated: bool,
      zupd: ZUSD,

    let coll = self.pieces.iter().map(|(&id, start)| {
      let old_z = &start.zlevel;
      let new_z = updated.get(&id);
      let updated = new_z.is_some();
      let new_z = new_z.unwrap_or(&start.zlevel);
      PieceCollated {
        id, new_z, old_z, updated,
        heavy: start.heavy(),
        target: self.targets.contains(&id),
        zupd: start.zupd,

    let sorted = | kf: &dyn for <'r> Fn(&'r PieceCollated<'r,'r>) -> &'r _ | {
      let mut v: Vec<&PieceCollated> = coll.iter().collect_vec();
      v.sort_by_key(|p| kf(p));
    let old = sorted(&|p: &PieceCollated| p.old_z);
    let new = sorted(&|p: &PieceCollated| p.new_z);
    for (o, n) in izip!(&old, &new).rev() {
      let pr = |p: &PieceCollated, zl: &ZLevel| {
        print!("    {:6} {}{}{} {} {}",
                if  { "T" } else { "_" },
                if p.heavy   { "H" } else { "_" },
                if p.updated { "U" } else { "_" },
      pr(o, o.old_z); print!("    ");
      pr(n, n.new_z); println!("");

    // light targets are in same stacking order as before
    // heavy targets are in same stacking order as before
      for &want_heavy in &[false, true] {
        for (o, n) in izip!(
          old.iter().filter(|p| && p.heavy == want_heavy),
          new.iter().filter(|p| && p.heavy == want_heavy),
        ) {

    // no heavy are newly above light
    let old_misstacked = {
      let misheavy = |on: &[&PieceCollated]| {
        let mut misheavy = HashSet::new();
        for i in 0..on.len() {
          for j in i+1..on.len() {
            // j is above i
            if on[j].heavy && ! on[i].heavy {
              // heavy above light
              misheavy.insert((on[j].id, on[i].id));
      let old = misheavy(&old);
      let new = misheavy(&new);
      let newly = new.difference(&old).collect_vec();
      assert!( newly.is_empty(), "{:?}", &newly );

    // no light non-targets moved
      for n in &new {
        if ! n.heavy && ! {
          assert!( ! n.updated, "{:?}", n );

    // z levels (at least of heavy) in updates all decrease
      for n in &new {
        if n.heavy && n.updated {
          assert!( n.new_z < n.old_z, "{:?}", &n );

    // all targets now below all light non-targets
      let mut had_light_nontarget = None;
      for n in &new {
        if ! n.heavy && ! {
          had_light_nontarget = Some(n);
        if {
          assert!( had_light_nontarget.is_none(),
                   "{:?} {:?}", &n, had_light_nontarget);

    // all heavy targets now below all non-targets
      let mut had_nontarget = None;
      for n in &new {
        if ! {
          had_nontarget = Some(n);
        if n.heavy && {
          assert!( had_nontarget.is_none(),
                   "{:?} {:?}", &n, had_nontarget);

    // all the z levels are still distinct and ordered
      for (n0,n1) in new.iter().tuple_windows() {
        assert!( n1.new_z > n0.new_z,
                 "{:?} {:?}", &n0, &n1 );

    // non-targets are moved only if they things are funky
      // funky could be one of:
      //  - misstacked heavy
      //  - heavy with same Z Coord (but obvs not Gen) as some light
      if old_misstacked.is_empty() &&
         ! old.iter().tuple_windows().any(|(o0,o1)| {
           o0.heavy && ! o1.heavy &&
           o1.old_z.z == o0.old_z.z
        for n in &new {
          if n.updated {
            assert!(, "{:?}", n );

impl StartPiece {
  pub fn heavy(&self) -> bool {
    use PieceMoveable::*;
    match (self.pinned, self.moveable) {
      (true , _  ) => true,
      (false, Yes) => false,
      (false, No ) => true,
      (_, IfWresting) => panic!(),

impl TestsAccumulator {
  pub fn new(opts: &Opts) -> Self {
    let mut tera = tera::Tera::default();
    tera.add_raw_template("js", TEMPLATE)?;

    let script = fs::OpenOptions::new()
    let script = BufWriter::new(script);

    let mut tests: Tests = default();
    if let Some(only) = env::var_os("OTTER_JST_LOWER_ONLY") {
      tests.only = Some(only.into_string().unwrap())

    TestsAccumulator {
      tests, script, tera,

  pub fn finalise(mut self) -> Tests {
  pub fn add_test<T>(&mut self, name: &str,
                     pieces: Vec<StartPieceSpec>,
                     targets: Vec<T>)
  where T: TryInto<Vpid> + Copy + Debug,
    if let Some(only) = &self.tests.only {
      if name != only { return; }
    let mut zlast = ZCoord::default().clone_mut();
    let mut zlastg = Generation(1000);

    let pieces: IndexMap<Vpid,StartPiece> = pieces.into_iter().map(
      |StartPieceSpec { id, pinned, moveable, zupd }| {
        let zupd_d = (&zupd).into();
        let zlevel = zlast, &mut zlastg);
        (id, StartPiece { pinned, moveable, zlevel, zupd: zupd_d })

    let targets: IndexSet<_> = targets.into_iter().map(
      |s| s.try_into().map_err(|_|s).unwrap()

    println!("-------------------- {} --------------------", name);
    for (id,p) in pieces.iter().rev() {
      println!("    {:6} {}{}  {} {}",
                if targets.contains(id) { "T" } else { "_" },
                if p.heavy()            { "H" } else { "_" },

    let test = Test {
      name: name.into(),
      pieces, targets,
    let context = tera::Context::from_serialize(&test)?;
    self.tera.render_to("js", &context, &mut self.script)?;

    let already = self.tests.tests.insert(name.to_owned(), test);
    assert!(already.is_none(), "duplicate test {:?}", &name);

  pub fn add_exhaustive(&mut self, nameprefix: &str, zupds: &[ZUpdateSpec]) {
    let n: usize = match zupds.len() { 1 => 5, 2 => 4, _ => panic!() };

    let ids: Vec<Vpid> = (0..n).map(
      |i| format!("{}.{}", i+1, 1).try_into().unwrap()

    let pieces_configs = ids.iter().cloned().map(|id| {
      ).map( move |(bottom,zupd)| {
        StartPieceSpec {
          pinned: bottom,
          moveable: PieceMoveable::Yes,

    let target_configs = ids.iter().cloned()

    for (ti, (pieces, targets)) in itertools::iproduct!(
    ).enumerate() {
      if targets.is_empty() { continue }
      let name = format!("exhaustive-{}-{:02x}",
                         nameprefix, ti);
      self.add_test(&name, pieces, targets)?;

impl Tests {
  fn finish(self) {
    match self.only {
      None => { },
      Some(only) => {
        println!("^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ success ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^");
        throw!(anyhow!("tests limited to {}, treating as failure", &only))

fn main() {
  let opts = Opts::from_args();

  println!("==================== building ====================");

  let mut ta = TestsAccumulator::new(&opts)?;

  ta.add_test("simple", vec![
    sp!("1.1", false, Yes),
    sp!("2.1", false, Yes),
  ], vec![

  ta.add_test("pair", vec![
    sp!("1.1", false, Yes),
    sp!("2.1", false, Yes),
    sp!("3.1", false, Yes),
  ], vec![

  ta.add_test("found-2021-07-07-raises", vec![
    sp!( "87.7", false, No),
    sp!( "81.7", false, Yes),
    sp!("110.7", false, Yes), // HELD 1#1
    sp!( "64.7", false, No),
    sp!( "59.7", false, No), // HELD 2#1
    sp!( "62.7", false, Yes),
    sp!( "73.7", false, Yes),
    sp!( "46.7", false, No),
    sp!(  "7.7", false, Yes),
  ], vec![

  ta.add_test("found-2021-07-15-lowers", vec![
    sp!( "87.11", false, No ,  "g1ea000000"           ,  38558 ), 
    sp!( "59.11", false, No ,  "g1ea000000_0000001000",  39858 ), 
    sp!( "64.11", false, No ,  "g1ea000000_0000002000",  39859 ), 
    sp!( "23.11", false, Yes,  "g1ea000000_0000002001",  46890 ), 
    sp!( "96.11", false, Yes,  "g1ea000000_0000002002",  46846 ), 
    sp!(  "8.11", false, Yes,  "g1ea000000_0000002040",  45196 ), 
    sp!( "46.11", false, No ,  "g1eb000000"           ,  38559 ), 
    sp!( "66.11", false, No ,  "g1ed000000"           ,  38561 ), 
    sp!( "47.11", false, Yes,  "g1ee000000_0000004000",  47077 ), 
    sp!( "11.11", false, Yes,  "g1ee000000_000000c000",  49354 ), 
    sp!("112.11", false, Yes,  "g1qi000000"           ,  49288 ), 
    sp!( "77.11", false, Yes,  "g1ql000000"           ,  49436 ), // HELD 1#1
  ], vec![

  ta.add_exhaustive("z", &[ZUS::Auto            ])?;
  ta.add_exhaustive("m", &[ZUS::Auto, ZUS::GOnly])?;
  ta.add_exhaustive("g", &[           ZUS::GOnly])?;
  let tests = ta.finalise()?;

  println!("==================== running ====================");

  let mut cmd = Command::new(opts.nodejs);
  let status = cmd.status()?;
  assert!(status.success(), "{}", status);

  println!("==================== checking ====================");

  for test in tests.tests.values() {


static TEMPLATE: &str = r#"

console.log('-------------------- {{ name }} --------------------')
jstest_did = fs.openSync('{{ name }}.did', 'w');

pieces = {
{% for p in pieces -%}
  '{{ p.0 }}': {
    pinned: {{ p.1.pinned }},
    moveable: '{{ p.1.moveable }}',
    z: '{{ p.1.zlevel.z }}',
    zg: '{{ p.1.zlevel.zg }}',
{% endfor -%}

fake_dom = [
  { special: "pieces_marker", dataset: { } },
{%- for p in pieces %}
  { dataset: { piece: "{{ p.0 }}" } },
{%- endfor -%}
  { special: "defs_marker", dataset: { } },

pieces_marker = fake_dom[0];
defs_marker   = fake_dom[{{ pieces | length + 1 }}];

{%- for p in pieces %}
fake_dom[{{ loop.index0 }}].nextElementSibling = fake_dom[{{ loop.index }}];
{%- endfor %}
fake_dom[{{ pieces | length }}].nextElementSibling = fake_dom[{{ pieces | length + 1 }}];
defs_marker.previousElementSibling = fake_dom[{{ pieces | length }}];

uorecord = {
  targets: [
{%- for t in targets %}
      '{{ t }}',
{%- endfor %}


jstest_did = -1;
