pub trait OutlineTrait: 'static + Debug + Sync + Send + DynCast<Config> {
    fn outline_path(&self, scale: f64) -> Result<Html, InternalError>;
fn thresh_dragraise(&self) -> Result<Option<i32>, InternalError>;
fn bbox_approx(&self) -> Result<RectC<i32>, InternalError>; fn surround_path(&self) -> Result<Html, InternalError> { ... } }

Required methods

Provided methods

Trait Implementations

Cast a shared reference of this trait object to another trait object.

Cast a mutable/unique reference of this trait object to another trait object.

Cast a boxed trait object to another trait object.

Cast a reference counted trait object to another trait object.

Cast an atomically reference counted trait object to another trait object.

Cast a shared reference of this trait object to another trait object.

Cast a mutable/unique reference of this trait object to another trait object.

Cast a boxed trait object to another trait object.

Cast a reference counted trait object to another trait object.

Cast an atomically reference counted trait object to another trait object.

Cast a shared reference of this trait object to another trait object.

Cast a mutable/unique reference of this trait object to another trait object.

Cast a boxed trait object to another trait object.

Cast a reference counted trait object to another trait object.

Cast an atomically reference counted trait object to another trait object.

Cast a shared reference of this trait object to another trait object.

Cast a mutable/unique reference of this trait object to another trait object.

Cast a boxed trait object to another trait object.

Cast a reference counted trait object to another trait object.

Cast an atomically reference counted trait object to another trait object.

Cast a shared reference of this trait object to another trait object.

Cast a mutable/unique reference of this trait object to another trait object.

Cast a boxed trait object to another trait object.

Cast a reference counted trait object to another trait object.

Cast an atomically reference counted trait object to another trait object.

A config type that casts from the Self trait to the trait T.
