
Basic functions for dealing with memory.



Derive macro generating an impl of the trait Debug.

Derive macro generating an impl of the trait Hash.

Construct an ad-hoc error from a string or existing non-anyhow error value.

Logs a message at the debug level.

Generate the boilerplate for a newtyped index struct, for use with IndexVec.

Inspects an environment variable at compile time.

Logs a message at the error level.

Macro for writing nested if let expressions.

Adds downcasting support to traits that extend downcast::Downcast by defining forwarding methods to the corresponding implementations on std::any::Any in the standard library.

A macro equivalent to the stdlib’s vec![], but producing an IndexVec.

Logs a message at the info level.

Create an iterator over the “cartesian product” of iterators.

Create an iterator running multiple iterators in lockstep.

The standard logging macro.

Determines if a message logged at the specified level in that module will be logged.

Throw an error.

Logs a message at the trace level.

Logs a message at the warn level.


Record of acess for a player. Newtype prevents mutable access without invalidating old tokens and permissions check.

Sample a u8, uniformly distributed over ASCII letters and numbers: a-z, A-Z and 0-9.

A thread-safe reference-counting pointer. ‘Arc’ stands for ‘Atomically Reference Counted’.

A vector with a fixed capacity.

An ordered map based on a B-Tree.

An ordered set based on a B-Tree.

The BufReader<R> struct adds buffering to any reader.

Wraps a writer and buffers its output.

Representation of a running or exited child process.

A process builder, providing fine-grained control over how a new process should be spawned.

0 = unrotated, +ve is anticlockwise, units of 45deg

Condition variable (for async)

Dense slot map, storage with stable unique keys.

A Duration type to represent a span of time, typically used for system timeouts.

An enum mapping.

A reference to an open file on the filesystem.

Configuration for formatting.

A hash map implemented with quadratic probing and SIMD lookup.

A hash set implemented as a HashMap where the value is ().

A slice that only accepts indices of a specific type. Note that the intended usage is as IndexSlice<I, [T]>.

A Vec that only accepts indices of a specific type.

A measurement of a monotonically nondecreasing clock. Opaque and useful only with Duration.

An IPv4 address.

An IPv6 address.

Immutable struct that defines which loglines are to be written, based on the module, the log level, and the text.

A named temporary file.

An integer that is known not to equal zero.

Does not impl Drop. Don’t just drop it.

A wrapper around floats providing implementations of Eq, Ord, and Hash.

Borrowed reference to an OS string (see OsString).

An owned, mutable path (akin to String).

Zero-sized type used to mark things that “act like” they own a T.

A compiled regular expression for matching Unicode strings.

Proof token.

Sparse secondary map, associate data with previously stored elements in a slot map.

Double-ended queue with stable indices

Describes what to do with a standard I/O stream for a child process when passed to the stdin, stdout, and stderr methods of Command.

An iterator over the variants of Self

The main point of interaction in this library.

The error type returned when a checked integral type conversion fails.

User identifier

Case Insensitive wrapper of strings.

A Unix stream socket.

A parsed URL record.

A double-ended queue implemented with a growable ring buffer.

Provides intentionally-wrapped arithmetic on T.

A struct for reading a zip file


Defines big-endian serialization.

A clone-on-write smart pointer.

The enum Either with variants Left and Right is a general purpose sum type with two cases.

Value that either holds a single A or B, or both.

A list specifying general categories of I/O error.

The error type for errors that can never happen.

An IP address, either IPv4 or IPv6.

Defines little-endian serialization.

An Ordering is the result of a comparison between two values.

An internet socket address, either IPv4 or IPv6.

The empty type for cases which can’t occur.

Error type for Zip



A trait to emulate dynamic typing.

A trait to extract the raw file descriptor from an underlying object.

A trait for borrowing data.

Numbers which have upper and lower bounds

A BufRead is a type of Reader which has an internal buffer, allowing it to perform extra ways of reading.

Unix-specific extensions to the process::Command builder.

An Eq-like trait that produces a Choice instead of a bool.

Provides the context method for Result.

? formatting.

Used for immutable dereferencing operations, like *v.

Used for mutable dereferencing operations, like in *v = 1;.

A data structure that can be deserialized from any data format supported by Serde.

A data structure that can be deserialized without borrowing any data from the deserializer.

A data format that can deserialize any data structure supported by Serde.

Convinience wrapper trait covering functionality of cryptographic hash functions with fixed output size.

Format trait for an empty format, {}.

Supports conversion to Any. Traits to be extended by impl_downcast! must extend Downcast.

Simplifies the use of the DynCast trait by abstracting away the difference between different ways of storing trait objects.

Enum mapping type.

A trait for capturing the number of variants in Enum. This trait can be autoderived by strum_macros.

Associates additional pieces of information with an Enum. This can be autoimplemented by deriving EnumMessage and annotating your variants with #[strum(message="...")].

EnumProperty is a trait that makes it possible to store additional information with enum variants. This trait is designed to be used with the macro of the same name in the strum_macros crate. Currently, the only string literals are supported in attributes, the other methods will be implemented as additional attribute types become stabilized.

Error is a trait representing the basic expectations for error values, i.e., values of type E in Result<T, E>.

Unix-specific extensions to process::ExitStatus and ExitStatusError.

Extension trait for std::fs::File which provides allocation, duplication and locking methods.

A generic trait for converting a number to a value.

Parse a value from a string

A hashable type.

A trait for hashing an arbitrary stream of bytes.

Used for indexing operations (container[index]) in immutable contexts.

Used for indexing operations (container[index]) in mutable contexts.

This trait designates that an Enum can be iterated over. It can be auto generated using strum_macros on your behalf.

A trait to express the ability to consume an object and acquire ownership of its raw file descriptor.

An Iterator blanket implementation that provides extra adaptors and methods.

Extension trait for slotmap::KeyData, providing get_idx_version.

Unix-specific extensions to fs::Metadata.

Unix-specific extensions to fs::OpenOptions.

Platform-specific extensions to OsStr.

The Read trait allows for reading bytes from a source.

Extends Read with methods for reading numbers. (For std::io.)

Extensions to Result<Void, E>

Extensions to Result<T, Void>

An automatically-implemented extension trait on RngCore providing high-level generic methods for sampling values and other convenience methods.

A data structure that can be serialized into any data format supported by Serde.

Returned from Serializer::serialize_tuple.

A data format that can serialize any data structure supported by Serde.

Extension trait on slices, providing random mutation and sampling methods.

Types that can be used as an index for a Deque.

A generic trait for converting a value to a number.

A trait for objects which can be converted or resolved to one or more SocketAddr values.

Simple and safe type conversions that may fail in a controlled way under some circumstances. It is the reciprocal of TryInto.

An attempted conversion that consumes self, which may or may not be expensive.

A trait for objects which are byte-oriented sinks.

Extends Write with methods for writing numbers. (For std::io.)

A trait for writing or formatting into Unicode-accepting buffers or streams.

OS-specific extensions to fs::Metadata.

Extension trait for Option<Baton> to provide dispose and pass

This trait defines a number of combinator-style methods for use with bool values.

The Error trait allows Deserialize implementations to create descriptive error messages belonging to the Deserializer against which they are currently running.

Key used to access stored values in a slot map.


Get the time of the specified clock, (see clock_gettime(2)).

Terminates the current process with the specified exit code.

Underlying extraction function. Fails rather than panicing.

Compares and returns the maximum of two values.

Compares and returns the minimum of two values.

Percent-decode the given string.

None => do not render at all

Creates a new iterator that repeats elements of type A endlessly by applying the provided closure, the repeater, F: FnMut() -> A.

Puts the current thread to sleep for at least the specified amount of time.

Retrieve the lazily-initialized thread-local random number generator, seeded by the system. Intended to be used in method chaining style, e.g. thread_rng().gen::<i32>(), or cached locally, e.g. let mut rng = thread_rng();. Invoked by the Default trait, making ThreadRng::default() equivalent.

A safe version of intrinsincs::unreachable.

Percent-encode the UTF-8 encoding of the given string.

Iterate i and j in lock step.

Type Definitions

Attribute Macros

Annotating a trait or enum definition with an #[enum_dispatch] attribute will register it with the enum_dispatch library, allowing it to be used to generate impl blocks elsewhere.

See crate docs for more info.

Derive Macros

Deserialize value by using its FromStr implementation

Procedural derive generating enum_map::Enum implementation.

Add a constant usize equal to the number of variants.

Generate a new type with only the discriminant names.

Creates a new type that iterates of the variants of an enum.

Add a verbose message to an enum variant.

Add custom properties to enum variants.

Converts strings to enum variants based on their name.

Derives num_traits::FromPrimitive for simple enums and newtypes.

Implements From<MyEnum> for &'static str on an enum.

Serialize value by using it’s Display implementation

Derives num_traits::ToPrimitive for simple enums and newtypes.