otptool 0.1.0

Simple tool to help you migrate your OTP secrets from Google Authenticator to another app.
# One Time Password Tool

Simple tool to help you migrate your OTP secrets from Google Authenticator to another app.
It supports the following formats:

- QR code
- Link (`otpauth-migration://`)

## Install

To install CLI

cargo install otptool

To install as a library:

cargo add otptool

## Usage

otptool --image ./path/to/qr.jpg

> name: SVC#1, issuer: -, secret: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
> name: d@emailsvc.com, issuer: BLA, secret: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
> name: SVC#2, issuer: Atlassian, secret: XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

otptool --link otpauth-migration://...

## Thx

- https://github.com/dim13/otpauth