otpcli 0.5.5-alpha.16

A simple one-time-password CLI, with support for TOTP and STOKEN.
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A one time password library and CLI tool for generating time-based one time passwords. Also supports RSA Secure tokens (using the rust stoken library)


You can install with cargo

cargo install otpcli


  • [DEFAULT] copy: build with copy to clipboard support. Adds a --copy option
  • [DEFAULT] keychain: build with secure secret storage support using keyring

The copy feature uses clipboard and that requires a X11 on linux to access the clipboard


A simple one-time-password CLI, with support for TOTP and STOKEN.

    otpcli [FLAGS] [name] [SUBCOMMAND]

        --copy       Copies the generated token to the clipboard
    -n, --newline    Adds a newline printed at the end out output
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information
    -v, --verbose

    <name>    The name of the totp token to generate

    add                    Add/Update a new TOTP secret
    delete                 Add/Update a new TOTP secret
    generate               Generate a token
    help                   Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    import                 Import an RSAToken into otpcli
    list                   Add/Update a new TOTP secret
    migrate-to-keychain    Migrate secrets stored in the config to be stored in the keychain