oso 0.6.0-alpha

Oso Authorization Library
//! oso policy engine for authorization
//! # Overview
//! oso is a policy engine for authorization that's embedded in your application.
//! It provides a declarative policy language for expressing authorization logic.
//! You define this logic separately from the rest of your application code,
//! but it executes inside the application and can call directly into it.
//! For more information, guides on using oso, writing policies and adding to your
//! application, go to the [oso documentation](https://docs.osohq.com).
//! For specific information on using with Rust, see the [Rust documentation](https://docs.osohq.com/using/libraries/rust/index.html).
//! ## Note
//! The oso Rust library is still in early development relative to the other
//! oso libraries.
//! # Example
//! To get started, create a new `Oso` instance, and load Polar policies from either a
//! string or a file:
//! ```
//! # use oso::Oso;
//! # fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
//! let mut oso = Oso::new();
//! oso.load_str(r#"allow(actor, action, resource) if actor.username = "alice";"#)?;
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! You can register classes with oso, which makes it possible to use them for type checking,
//! as well as accessing attributes in policies.
//! The `PolarClass` derive macro can handle some of this
//! ```
//! # fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
//! use oso::{Oso, PolarClass};
//! let mut oso = Oso::new();
//! #[derive(Clone, PolarClass)]
//! struct User {
//!     #[polar(attribute)]
//!     pub username: String,
//! }
//! impl User {
//!     fn superuser() -> Vec<String> {
//!         return vec!["alice".to_string(), "charlie".to_string()]
//!     }
//! }
//! oso.register_class(
//!    User::get_polar_class_builder()
//!         .add_class_method("superusers", User::superuser)
//!         .build()
//! )?;
//! oso.load_str(r#"allow(actor: User, action, resource) if
//!                     actor.username.ends_with("example.com");"#)?;
//! let user = User {
//!     username: "alice@example.com".to_owned(),
//! };
//! assert!(oso.is_allowed(user, "foo", "bar")?);
//! Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! For more examples, see the [oso documentation](https://docs.osohq.com).

pub mod macros;

pub(crate) mod builtins;
mod errors;
mod host;
mod oso;
mod query;

pub use crate::oso::Oso;
pub use errors::{OsoError, Result};
pub use host::{Class, FromPolar, ToPolar};
pub use polar_core::terms::Value;
pub use query::{Query, ResultSet};

use polar_core::polar::Polar;

/// Classes that can be used as types in Polar policies.
/// Implementing this trait and `Clone` automatically makes the
/// type `FromPolar` and `ToPolar`, so it can be used with
/// `Oso::is_allowed` calls.
/// The default implementation creates a class definition with
/// no attributes or methods registered. Either use `get_polar_class_builder`
/// or the `#[derive(PolarClass)]` proc macro to register attributes and methods.
/// **Note** that the returned `Class` still must be registered on an `Oso`
/// instance using `Oso::register_class`.
pub trait PolarClass: Sized + 'static {
    /// Returns the `Class` ready for registration
    fn get_polar_class() -> Class {

    /// Returns the partially defined `Class` for this type.
    /// Can still have methods added to it with `add_method`, and attributes
    /// with `add_attribute_getter`.
    /// Use `Class::build` to finish defining the type.
    fn get_polar_class_builder() -> Class<Self> {

#[cfg(feature = "derive")]
extern crate oso_derive;
#[cfg(feature = "derive")]
pub use oso_derive::*;