osmpbfreader 0.8.0

Read OpenStreetMap PBF files in rust.
// Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Guillaume Pinot <texitoi(a)texitoi.eu>
// This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
// the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License,
// Version 2, as published by Sam Hocevar. See the COPYING file for
// more details.

use osmformat;
use osmformat::{PrimitiveGroup, PrimitiveBlock};
use std;
use std::slice;
use std::iter::Chain;
use std::iter::Map;
use std::convert::From;
use objects::*;

pub type OsmObjs<'a> = Chain<Chain<Map<Nodes<'a>, fn(Node) -> OsmObj>, Map<Ways<'a>, fn(Way) -> OsmObj>>, Map<Relations<'a>, fn(Relation) -> OsmObj>>;

pub fn iter<'a>(g: &'a PrimitiveGroup, b: &'a PrimitiveBlock) -> OsmObjs<'a> {
    nodes(g, b).map(From::from as fn(Node) -> OsmObj)
        .chain(ways(g, b).map(From::from as fn(Way) -> OsmObj))
        .chain(relations(g, b).map(From::from as fn(Relation) -> OsmObj))

pub type Nodes<'a> = std::iter::Chain<SimpleNodes<'a>, DenseNodes<'a>>;

pub fn nodes<'a>(g: &'a PrimitiveGroup, b: &'a PrimitiveBlock) -> Nodes<'a> {
    simple_nodes(g, b).chain(dense_nodes(g, b))

pub fn simple_nodes<'a>(group: &'a PrimitiveGroup, block: &'a PrimitiveBlock)
                        -> SimpleNodes<'a>
    SimpleNodes { iter: group.get_nodes().iter(), block: block }

pub struct SimpleNodes<'a> {
    iter: slice::Iter<'a, osmformat::Node>,
    block: &'a PrimitiveBlock,
impl<'a> Iterator for SimpleNodes<'a> {
    type Item = Node;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Node> {
        self.iter.next().map(|n| Node {
            id: NodeId(n.get_id()),
            decimicro_lat: make_lat(n.get_lat(), self.block),
            decimicro_lon: make_lon(n.get_lon(), self.block),
            tags: make_tags(n.get_keys(), n.get_vals(), self.block),
    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

pub fn dense_nodes<'a>(group: &'a PrimitiveGroup, block: &'a PrimitiveBlock)
                       -> DenseNodes<'a>
    let dense = group.get_dense();
    DenseNodes {
        block: block,
        dids: dense.get_id().iter(),
        dlats: dense.get_lat().iter(),
        dlons: dense.get_lon().iter(),
        keys_vals: dense.get_keys_vals().iter(),
        cur_id: 0,
        cur_lat: 0,
        cur_lon: 0,
pub struct DenseNodes<'a> {
    block: &'a PrimitiveBlock,
    dids: slice::Iter<'a, i64>,
    dlats: slice::Iter<'a, i64>,
    dlons: slice::Iter<'a, i64>,
    keys_vals: slice::Iter<'a, i32>,
    cur_id: i64,
    cur_lat: i64,
    cur_lon: i64,
impl<'a> Iterator for DenseNodes<'a> {
    type Item = Node;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Node> {
        match (self.dids.next(), self.dlats.next(), self.dlons.next()) {
            (Some(&did), Some(&dlat), Some(&dlon)) => {
                self.cur_id += did;
                self.cur_lat += dlat;
                self.cur_lon += dlon;
            _ => return None
        let mut tags = Tags::new();
        loop {
            let k = match self.keys_vals.next() {
                None | Some(&0) => break,
                Some(k) => make_string(*k as usize, self.block),
            let v = match self.keys_vals.next() {
                None => break,
                Some(v) => make_string(*v as usize, self.block),
            tags.insert(k, v);
        Some(Node {
            id: NodeId(self.cur_id),
            decimicro_lat: make_lat(self.cur_lat, self.block),
            decimicro_lon: make_lon(self.cur_lon, self.block),
            tags: tags,

pub fn ways<'a>(group: &'a PrimitiveGroup, block: &'a PrimitiveBlock) -> Ways<'a> {
    Ways { iter: group.get_ways().iter(), block: block }
pub struct Ways<'a> {
    iter: slice::Iter<'a, osmformat::Way>,
    block: &'a PrimitiveBlock,
impl<'a> Iterator for Ways<'a> {
    type Item = Way;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Way> {
        self.iter.next().map(|w| {
            let mut n = 0;
            let nodes = w.get_refs().iter().map(|&dn| { n += dn; NodeId(n) }).collect();
            Way {
                id: WayId(w.get_id()),
                nodes: nodes,
                tags: make_tags(w.get_keys(), w.get_vals(), self.block),
    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

pub fn relations<'a>(group: &'a PrimitiveGroup, block: &'a PrimitiveBlock) -> Relations<'a> {
    Relations { iter: group.get_relations().iter(), block: block }
pub struct Relations<'a> {
    iter: slice::Iter<'a, osmformat::Relation>,
    block: &'a PrimitiveBlock,
impl<'a> Iterator for Relations<'a> {
    type Item = Relation;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Relation> {
        use osmformat::Relation_MemberType::{NODE, WAY, RELATION};
        self.iter.next().map(|rel| {
            let mut m = 0;
            let refs = rel.get_memids().iter()
                .map(|((&dm, &t), &role)| {
                    m += dm;
                    Ref {
                        member: match t {
                            NODE => NodeId(m).into(),
                            WAY => WayId(m).into(),
                            RELATION => RelationId(m).into(),
                        role: make_string(role as usize, self.block),
            Relation {
                id: RelationId(rel.get_id()),
                refs: refs,
                tags: make_tags(rel.get_keys(), rel.get_vals(), self.block),
    fn size_hint(&self) -> (usize, Option<usize>) {

fn make_string(k: usize, block: &osmformat::PrimitiveBlock) -> String {
fn make_lat(c: i64, b: &osmformat::PrimitiveBlock) -> i32 {
    let granularity = b.get_granularity() as i64;
    ((b.get_lat_offset() + granularity * c) / 100) as i32
fn make_lon(c: i64, b: &osmformat::PrimitiveBlock) -> i32 {
    let granularity = b.get_granularity() as i64;
    ((b.get_lon_offset() + granularity * c) / 100) as i32
fn make_tags(keys: &[u32], vals: &[u32], b: &PrimitiveBlock) -> Tags {
    let mut tags: Tags = keys.iter().zip(vals.iter())
        .map(|(&k, &v)| (make_string(k as usize, b), make_string(v as usize, b)))