osm4routing 0.4.0

Convert OpenStreetMap data into routing friendly CSV


This project is a rewrite in rust from https://github.com/Tristramg/osm4routing

It converts an OpenStreetMap file (in the .pbf format) into a CSV file.


Get a rust distribution with cargo: https://www.rust-lang.org/en-US/downloads.html

Run cargo install osm4routing

You can now use osm4routing <some_osmfile.pbf> to generate the nodes.csv and edges.csv that represent the road network.

If you prefer running the application from the sources, and not installing it, you run

cargo run --release -- <path_to_your_osmfile.pbf>

The identifiers for nodes and edges are from OpenStreetMap. That means that edges id can be duplicated.

Importing in a database

If you prefer having the files in database, you can run the very basic import_postgres.sh script.

It supposes that a database osm4routing exists (otherwise modify it to your needs).