oslog 0.0.4

A minimal safe wrapper around Apple's unified logging system
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A minimal wrapper around Apple's unified logging system.

By default support for the log crate is provided, but you can disable it using the feature flags if you like:

oslog = { version = "0.0.3", default-features = false }

When making use of targets (info!(target: "t", "m");), you should be aware that a new log is allocated and stored in a map for the lifetime of the program. I expect log allocations are extremely small, but haven't attempted to verify it.


fn main() {
    OsLogger::new("com.example.test", "testing")

    // Maps to OS_LOG_TYPE_DEBUG
    trace!(target: "Settings", "Trace");

    // Maps to OS_LOG_TYPE_INFO

    // Maps to OS_LOG_TYPE_DEFAULT
    info!(target: "Parsing", "Info");

    // Maps to OS_LOG_TYPE_ERROR

    // Maps to OS_LOG_TYPE_FAULT

Missing features

  • Activities
  • Tracing
  • Native support for line numbers and file names.