os-prober-lite 0.1.0

A Linux program to probe the system for other operating systems installed, a more limited and less aggresive version of os-prober
os-prober-lite-0.1.0 is not a library.


This program is an attempt at creating a less intrusive and more limited version of os-prober. os-prober is very aggressive in that it tries to mount even lvm partitions or using FUSE based mounters like ntfs-3g.

os-prober-lite tries to be a lot more conservative and limited in scope, for example, it only looks for /boot content rather than trying to find the root partition for every Linux distro (which is a problem with LUKS and LVM based partitions). For NTFS partitions it tries to use userland tools like ntfsls instead of mounting as it is known to cause problems of the system being blocked.

os-prober-lite also ignores EFI systems, since efi chainloading does not work on GRUB anyway and it is not even possible on SecureBoot setups.