ory-client 0.0.1-alpha.179

SDK Client for Ory

Rust API client for ory-client

Documentation for all public and administrative Ory APIs. Administrative APIs can only be accessed with a valid Personal Access Token. Public APIs are mostly used in browsers.


This API client was generated by the OpenAPI Generator project. By using the openapi-spec from a remote server, you can easily generate an API client.

  • API version: v0.0.1-alpha.179
  • Package version: v0.0.1-alpha.179
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.RustClientCodegen


Put the package under your project folder and add the following to Cargo.toml under [dependencies]:

    openapi = { path = "./generated" }

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://playground.projects.oryapis.com

Class Method HTTP request Description
MetadataApi get_version GET /version Return Running Software Version.
MetadataApi is_alive GET /health/alive Check HTTP Server Status
MetadataApi is_ready GET /health/ready Check HTTP Server and Database Status
ReadApi get_check GET /relation-tuples/check Check a relation tuple
ReadApi get_expand GET /relation-tuples/expand Expand a Relation Tuple
ReadApi get_relation_tuples GET /relation-tuples Query relation tuples
ReadApi post_check POST /relation-tuples/check Check a relation tuple
V0alpha2Api admin_create_identity POST /admin/identities Create an Identity
V0alpha2Api admin_create_self_service_recovery_link POST /admin/recovery/link Create a Recovery Link
V0alpha2Api admin_delete_identity DELETE /admin/identities/{id} Delete an Identity
V0alpha2Api admin_delete_identity_sessions DELETE /admin/identities/{id}/sessions Calling this endpoint irrecoverably and permanently deletes and invalidates all sessions that belong to the given Identity.
V0alpha2Api admin_extend_session PATCH /admin/sessions/{id}/extend Calling this endpoint extends the given session ID. If session.earliest_possible_extend is set it will only extend the session after the specified time has passed.
V0alpha2Api admin_get_identity GET /admin/identities/{id} Get an Identity
V0alpha2Api admin_list_identities GET /admin/identities List Identities
V0alpha2Api admin_list_identity_sessions GET /admin/identities/{id}/sessions This endpoint returns all sessions that belong to the given Identity.
V0alpha2Api admin_update_identity PUT /admin/identities/{id} Update an Identity
V0alpha2Api create_project POST /projects Create a Project
V0alpha2Api create_self_service_logout_flow_url_for_browsers GET /self-service/logout/browser Create a Logout URL for Browsers
V0alpha2Api get_json_schema GET /schemas/{id}
V0alpha2Api get_project GET /projects/{project_id} Get a Project
V0alpha2Api get_project_members GET /projects/{project_id}/members Get all members associated with this project.
V0alpha2Api get_self_service_error GET /self-service/errors Get Self-Service Errors
V0alpha2Api get_self_service_login_flow GET /self-service/login/flows Get Login Flow
V0alpha2Api get_self_service_recovery_flow GET /self-service/recovery/flows Get Recovery Flow
V0alpha2Api get_self_service_registration_flow GET /self-service/registration/flows Get Registration Flow
V0alpha2Api get_self_service_settings_flow GET /self-service/settings/flows Get Settings Flow
V0alpha2Api get_self_service_verification_flow GET /self-service/verification/flows Get Verification Flow
V0alpha2Api get_web_authn_java_script GET /.well-known/ory/webauthn.js Get WebAuthn JavaScript
V0alpha2Api initialize_self_service_login_flow_for_browsers GET /self-service/login/browser Initialize Login Flow for Browsers
V0alpha2Api initialize_self_service_login_flow_without_browser GET /self-service/login/api Initialize Login Flow for APIs, Services, Apps, ...
V0alpha2Api initialize_self_service_recovery_flow_for_browsers GET /self-service/recovery/browser Initialize Recovery Flow for Browsers
V0alpha2Api initialize_self_service_recovery_flow_without_browser GET /self-service/recovery/api Initialize Recovery Flow for APIs, Services, Apps, ...
V0alpha2Api initialize_self_service_registration_flow_for_browsers GET /self-service/registration/browser Initialize Registration Flow for Browsers
V0alpha2Api initialize_self_service_registration_flow_without_browser GET /self-service/registration/api Initialize Registration Flow for APIs, Services, Apps, ...
V0alpha2Api initialize_self_service_settings_flow_for_browsers GET /self-service/settings/browser Initialize Settings Flow for Browsers
V0alpha2Api initialize_self_service_settings_flow_without_browser GET /self-service/settings/api Initialize Settings Flow for APIs, Services, Apps, ...
V0alpha2Api initialize_self_service_verification_flow_for_browsers GET /self-service/verification/browser Initialize Verification Flow for Browser Clients
V0alpha2Api initialize_self_service_verification_flow_without_browser GET /self-service/verification/api Initialize Verification Flow for APIs, Services, Apps, ...
V0alpha2Api list_identity_schemas GET /schemas
V0alpha2Api list_projects GET /projects List All Projects
V0alpha2Api list_sessions GET /sessions This endpoints returns all other active sessions that belong to the logged-in user. The current session can be retrieved by calling the /sessions/whoami endpoint.
V0alpha2Api patch_project PATCH /projects/{project_id} Patch an Ory Cloud Project Configuration
V0alpha2Api purge_project DELETE /projects/{project_id} Irrecoverably Purge a Project
V0alpha2Api remove_project_member DELETE /projects/{project_id}/members/{member_id} Remove a member associated with this project. This also sets their invite status to REMOVED.
V0alpha2Api revoke_session DELETE /sessions/{id} Calling this endpoint invalidates the specified session. The current session cannot be revoked. Session data are not deleted.
V0alpha2Api revoke_sessions DELETE /sessions Calling this endpoint invalidates all except the current session that belong to the logged-in user. Session data are not deleted.
V0alpha2Api submit_self_service_login_flow POST /self-service/login Submit a Login Flow
V0alpha2Api submit_self_service_logout_flow GET /self-service/logout Complete Self-Service Logout
V0alpha2Api submit_self_service_logout_flow_without_browser DELETE /self-service/logout/api Perform Logout for APIs, Services, Apps, ...
V0alpha2Api submit_self_service_recovery_flow POST /self-service/recovery Complete Recovery Flow
V0alpha2Api submit_self_service_registration_flow POST /self-service/registration Submit a Registration Flow
V0alpha2Api submit_self_service_settings_flow POST /self-service/settings Complete Settings Flow
V0alpha2Api submit_self_service_verification_flow POST /self-service/verification Complete Verification Flow
V0alpha2Api to_session GET /sessions/whoami Check Who the Current HTTP Session Belongs To
V0alpha2Api update_project PUT /projects/{project_id} Update an Ory Cloud Project Configuration
WriteApi create_relation_tuple PUT /admin/relation-tuples Create a Relation Tuple
WriteApi delete_relation_tuples DELETE /admin/relation-tuples Delete Relation Tuples
WriteApi patch_relation_tuples PATCH /admin/relation-tuples Patch Multiple Relation Tuples

Documentation For Models

To get access to the crate's generated documentation, use:

cargo doc --open

