ort 1.13.1

Yet another ONNX Runtime wrapper

ort is yet another ONNX Runtime wrapper for Rust based on onnxruntime-rs. ort is updated for ONNX Runtime 1.13.1 and contains many API improvements & fixes.

Cargo features

  • fetch-models: Enables fetching models from the ONNX Model Zoo; not recommended for production.
  • generate-bindings: Update/generate ONNX Runtime bindings with bindgen. Requires libclang.
  • copy-dylibs: Copy dynamic libraries to the Cargo target folder. Highly recommended on Windows, where the operating system may have an older version of ONNX Runtime bundled.
  • prefer-system-strategy: Uses the system compile strategy by default; requires users to provide ONNX Runtime libraries.
    • prefer-dynamic-libs: By default, if the path pointed to by ORT_LIB_LOCATION contains static libraries, ort will link to them rather than dynamic libraries. This feature prefers linking to dynamic libraries instead.
  • prefer-compile-strategy: Uses the compile strategy by default; will take a very long time and is currently untested, but allows for easy static linking, avoiding the DLL hell.
    • compile-static: Compiles ONNX Runtime as a static library.
    • mimalloc: Uses the (usually) faster mimalloc memory allocation library instead of the platform default.
    • experimental: Compiles Microsoft experimental operators.
    • training: Enables training via ONNX Runtime. Currently unavailable through high-level bindings.
    • minimal-build: Builds ONNX Runtime without ONNX model loading. Drastically reduces size. Recommended for release builds.
  • Execution providers: These are required for both building and using execution providers. Do not enable any of these features unless you are using the compile strategy or you are using the system strategy with binaries that support these execution providers, otherwise you'll run into linking errors.
    • cuda: Enables the CUDA execution provider for Maxwell (7xx) NVIDIA GPUs and above. Requires CUDA v11.6+.
    • tensorrt: Enables the TensorRT execution provider for GeForce 9xx series NVIDIA GPUs and above; requires CUDA v11.6+ and TensorRT v8.4+.
    • openvino: Enables the OpenVINO execution provider for 6th+ generation Intel Core CPUs.
    • onednn: Enables the oneDNN execution provider for x86/x64 targets.
    • directml: Enables the DirectML execution provider for Windows x86/x64 targets with dedicated GPUs supporting DirectX 12.
    • snpe: Enables the SNPE execution provider for Qualcomm Snapdragon CPUs & Adreno GPUs.
    • nnapi: Enables the Android Neural Networks API (NNAPI) execution provider.
    • coreml: Enables the CoreML execution provider for macOS/iOS targets.
    • xnnpack: Enables the XNNPACK backend for WebAssembly and Android.
    • rocm: Enables the ROCm execution provider for AMD ROCm-enabled GPUs.
    • acl: Enables the ARM Compute Library execution provider for multi-core ARM v8 processors.
    • armnn: Enables the ArmNN execution provider for ARM v8 targets.
    • tvm: Enables the preview Apache TVM execution provider.
    • migraphx: Enables the MIGraphX execution provider for Windows x86/x64 targets with dedicated AMD GPUs.
    • rknpu: Enables the RKNPU execution provider for Rockchip NPUs.
    • vitis: Enables Xilinx's Vitis-AI execution provider for U200/U250 accelerators.
    • cann: Enables the Huawei Compute Architecture for Neural Networks (CANN) execution provider.
  • half: Builds support for float16/bfloat16 ONNX tensors.
  • use-half-intrinsics: Use intrinsics in the half crate for faster operations when dealing with float16/bfloat16 ONNX tensors.

Execution providers

To use other execution providers, you must explicitly enable them via their Cargo features. Using the compile strategy, everything should just work™️. Using the system strategy, ensure that the binaries you are linking to have been built with the execution providers you want to use, otherwise you'll get linking errors. After that, configuring & enabling these execution providers can be done through SessionBuilder::execution_providers().

Requesting an execution provider via e.g. ExecutionProviderBuilder::cuda() will silently fail if that EP is not available on the system or encounters an error and falls back to the next requested execution provider or to the CPU provider if no requested providers are available. If you must know why the execution provider is unavailable, use ExecutionProviderBuilder::try_*(), e.g. try_cuda().

For prebuilt Microsoft binaries, you can enable the CUDA or TensorRT execution providers for Windows and Linux via the cuda and tensorrt Cargo features respectively. No other execution providers are supported in these binaries and enabling other features will fail. To use other execution providers, you must build ONNX Runtime yourself to be able to use them.

Shared library hell

Because compiling ONNX Runtime from source takes so long (and static linking is not recommended by Microsoft), it may be easier to compile ONNX Runtime as a shared library or use prebuilt DLLs. However, this can cause some issues with library paths and load orders.


Some versions of Windows come bundled with onnxruntime.dll in the System32 folder. On Windows 11 build 22598.1, onnxruntime.dll is on version 1.10.0, while ort requires 1.13.1, so execution will fail because system DLLs take precedence. Luckily though, DLLs in the same folder as the application have higher priority; ort can automatically copy the DLLs to the Cargo target folder when the copy-dylibs feature is enabled.

Note that, when running tests/benchmarks for the first time, you'll have to manually copy the target/debug/onnxruntime*.dll files to target/debug/deps/, or target/debug/examples/ for examples. It should Just Work™️ when building/running a binary, however.


You'll either have to copy libonnxruntime.so to a known lib location (e.g. /usr/lib) or enable rpath if you have the copy-dylibs feature enabled.

In Cargo.toml:

rpath = true

rpath = true

# do this for all profiles

In .cargo/config.toml:

rustflags = [ "-Clink-args=-Wl,-rpath,\\$ORIGIN" ]

# do this for all Linux targets as well


macOS follows the same procedure as Linux, except the rpath should point to @loader_path rather than $ORIGIN:

# .cargo/config.toml
rustflags = [ "-Clink-args=-Wl,-rpath,@loader_path" ]