orphan-crippler 0.1.6

Two-way oneshot channel for task abstraction


crossbeam_channel and async_channel have more efficient and more well-tested single-item channels than this crate does. From this point on, this crate is deprecated.


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The orphan-crippler crate is designed to assist in building abstractions where work is offloaded to another thread, for reasons such as blocking or OS-specific threads. For this reason, orphan-crippler implements the Two-Way Oneshot (two) channel type, that allows one to send data to another thread and get more data in response.


The optional parking_lot feature replaces the usual std::sync::Mutex usage in this crate with those from the parking_lot crate. This pulls in a handful of other dependencies and is only really recommended if you are already using parking_lot elsewhere in your application.


MIT/Apache2 License