Module orion::hazardous::hkdf[][src]

HKDF-HMAC-SHA512 (HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function) as specified in the RFC 5869.


  • salt: Optional salt value
  • ikm: Input keying material
  • info: Optional context and application specific information (can be a zero-length string)
  • okm_out: Destination buffer for the derived key. The length of the derived key is implied by the length of okm_out

See RFC for more information.


An exception will be thrown if:

  • The length of okm_out is less than 1
  • The length of okm_out is greater than 255 * hash_output_size_in_bytes


Salts should always be generated using a CSPRNG. The gen_rand_key function in util can be used for this. The recommended length for a salt is 16 bytes as a minimum. HKDF is not suitable for password storage. Even though a salt value is optional, it is strongly recommended to use one.


Generating derived key:

use orion::hazardous::hkdf;

let salt = "Very insecure salt, should NOT be used".as_bytes();
let mut okm_out = [0u8; 32];

hkdf::derive_key(salt, "IKM".as_bytes(), "Info".as_bytes(), &mut okm_out).unwrap();

Verifying derived key:

use orion::hazardous::hkdf;

let salt = "Very insecure salt, should NOT be used".as_bytes();
let mut okm_out = [0u8; 32];

hkdf::derive_key(salt, "IKM".as_bytes(), "Info".as_bytes(), &mut okm_out).unwrap();
let exp_okm = okm_out;
assert!(hkdf::verify(&exp_okm, salt, "IKM".as_bytes(), "Info".as_bytes(), &mut okm_out).unwrap());



Combine extract and expand to return a derived key.


The HKDF expand step.


The HKDF extract step.


Verify a derived key in constant time.