Module orion::kex

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Available on crate feature safe_api only.
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Ephemeral key exchange.

Use case:

orion::kex can be used to establish a pair of shared keys between two parties.


This implementation is based on and compatible with the key exchange API of libsodium.


  • server_public_key: The server’s public key used to establish the client’s shared session keys.
  • client_public_key: The client’s public key used to establish the server’s shared session keys.


An error will be returned if:

  • If the key exchange results in an all-zero output.


A panic will occur if:

  • Failure to generate random bytes securely.


  • The API is designed to be ephemeral and a PrivateKey should not be used more than once.


use orion::kex::*;
use orion::aead;

/// The server initializes their ephemeral session keys
let session_server = EphemeralServerSession::new()?;
let server_public_key = session_server.public_key();

/// The client initializes their ephemeral session keys
let session_client = EphemeralClientSession::new()?;
let client_public_key = session_client.public_key().clone();

let client_keys: SessionKeys = session_client

let server_keys: SessionKeys = session_server

assert_eq!(client_keys.receiving(), server_keys.transport());
assert_eq!(client_keys.transport(), server_keys.receiving());

// The client can now "send" encrypted data to the server and vice versa

// Client sends an encrypted message which the server decrypts:
let client_msg = aead::seal(client_keys.transport(), b"Hello, server!")?;
assert_eq!(aead::open(server_keys.receiving(), &client_msg)?, b"Hello, server!");

// Server responds and client decrypts the received message:
let server_msg = aead::seal(server_keys.transport(), b"Hello, client!")?;
assert_eq!(aead::open(client_keys.receiving(), &server_msg)?, b"Hello, client!");


pub use crate::hazardous::ecc::x25519::PrivateKey;
pub use crate::hazardous::ecc::x25519::PublicKey;


A key pair used to establish shared keys for a single session.
A key pair used to establish shared keys for a single session.
A type to represent a secret key.
A set of shared secrets for either transmitting to this entity or send to another party.