Module orion::kdf

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Available on crate feature safe_api only.
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Key derivation.

Use case:

orion::kdf can be used to derive higher-entropy keys from low-entropy keys. Also known as key stretching.

An example of this could be deriving a key from a user-submitted password and using this derived key in disk encryption.


  • Uses Argon2i.


This implementation only supports a single thread/lane.


  • password: The low-entropy input key to be used in key derivation.
  • salt: The salt used for the key derivation.
  • iterations: Iterations cost parameter for Argon2i.
  • memory: Memory (in kibibytes (KiB)) cost parameter for Argon2i.
  • length: The desired length of the derived key.


An error will be returned if:

  • iterations is less than 3.
  • length is less than 4.
  • memory is less than 8.
  • The length of the password is greater than isize::MAX.
  • The length of the salt is greater than isize::MAX or less than 8.


  • Choosing the correct cost parameters is important for security. Please refer to libsodium’s docs for a description of how to do this.
  • The salt should always be generated using a CSPRNG. Salt::default() can be used for this, it will generate a Salt of 16 bytes.
  • The recommended minimum size for a salt is 16 bytes.
  • The recommended minimum size for a derived key is 16 bytes.


use orion::kdf;

let user_password = kdf::Password::from_slice(b"User password")?;
let salt = kdf::Salt::default();

let derived_key = kdf::derive_key(&user_password, &salt, 3, 1<<16, 32)?;


A type to represent the Password that Argon2i hashes and uses for key derivation.

A type to represent the Salt that Argon2i uses during key derivation.

A type to represent a secret key.


Derive a key using Argon2i.