origin 0.6.1

Program startup and thread support written in Rust
use alloc::boxed::Box;
use core::any::Any;
use core::arch::asm;
use core::ffi::c_void;
use linux_raw_sys::general::{__NR_clone, __NR_exit, __NR_munmap};
use rustix::process::RawPid;

/// A wrapper around the Linux `clone` system call.
pub(super) unsafe fn clone(
    flags: u32,
    child_stack: *mut c_void,
    parent_tid: *mut RawPid,
    newtls: *mut c_void,
    child_tid: *mut RawPid,
    fn_: *mut Box<dyn FnOnce() -> Option<Box<dyn Any>>>,
) -> isize {
    let r0;
        "svc 0",
        "cbnz x0,0f",

        // Child thread.
        "mov x0,{fn_}",       // `fn_`
        "mov x29, xzr",       // zero the frame address
        "mov x30, xzr",       // zero the return address
        "b {entry}",

        // Parent thread.

        entry = sym super::threads::entry,
        fn_ = in(reg) fn_,
        in("x8") __NR_clone,
        inlateout("x0") flags as isize => r0,
        in("x1") child_stack,
        in("x2") parent_tid,
        in("x3") newtls,
        in("x4") child_tid,

/// Write a value to the platform thread-pointer register.
#[cfg(target_vendor = "mustang")]
pub(super) unsafe fn set_thread_pointer(ptr: *mut c_void) {
    asm!("msr tpidr_el0,{0}", in(reg) ptr);
    debug_assert_eq!(get_thread_pointer(), ptr);

/// Read the value of the platform thread-pointer register.
pub(super) fn get_thread_pointer() -> *mut c_void {
    let ptr;
    unsafe {
        asm!("mrs {0},tpidr_el0", out(reg) ptr, options(nostack, preserves_flags, readonly));

/// TLS data starts at the location pointed to by the thread pointer.
pub(super) const TLS_OFFSET: usize = 0;

/// `munmap` the current thread, then carefully exit the thread without
/// touching the deallocated stack.
pub(super) unsafe fn munmap_and_exit_thread(map_addr: *mut c_void, map_len: usize) -> ! {
        "svc 0",
        "mov x0,xzr",
        "mov x8,{__NR_exit}",
        "svc 0",
        "udf #16",
        __NR_exit = const __NR_exit,
        in("x8") __NR_munmap,
        in("x0") map_addr,
        in("x1") map_len,
        options(noreturn, nostack)