ordsearch 0.2.2

A data structure for efficient lower-bound lookups


Crates.io Documentation Build Status

This crate provides an efficient data structure for approximate lookups in ordered collections.

More concretely, given a set A of n values, and a query value x, this library provides an efficient mechanism for finding the smallest value in A that is greater than or equal to x. In particular, this library caters to the important case where there are many such queries to the same array, A.

This library is constructed from the best solution identified in Array Layouts for Comparison-Based Searching by Paul-Virak Khuong and Pat Morin. For more information, see the paper, their website, and the C++ implementation repository.

Current implementation

At the time of writing, this implementation uses a branch-free search over an Eytzinger-arranged array with masked prefetching based on the C++ implementation written by the authors of the aforementioned paper. This is the recommended algorithm from the paper, and what the authors suggested in https://github.com/patmorin/arraylayout/issues/3#issuecomment-338472755.

Note that prefetching is only enabled with the (non-default) nightly feature due to https://github.com/aweinstock314/prefetch/issues/1. Suggestions for workarounds welcome.


The included benchmarks can be run with

$ cargo +nightly bench --features nightly

This will benchmark both construction and search with different number of values, and differently sized values -- look for the line that aligns closest with your data. The general trend is that ordsearch is faster when n is smaller and T is larger. You may also want to compare with the pending Rust PR "Improve SliceExt::binary_search performance". Summarized results from my laptop (an X1 Carbon with i7-5600U @ 2.60GHz) are given below.

Compared to binary search over a sorted vector:

 name           sorted_vec ns/iter  this ns/iter  diff ns/iter   diff %  speedup
+u8::l1         46                  37                      -9  -19.57%   x 1.24
-u8::l1_dup     31                  37                       6   19.35%   x 0.84
-u8::l2         44                  58                      14   31.82%   x 0.76
-u8::l2_dup     31                  56                      25   80.65%   x 0.55
-u8::l3         29                  170                    141  486.21%   x 0.17
-u8::l3_dup     30                  127                     97  323.33%   x 0.24
+u32::l1        66                  37                     -29  -43.94%   x 1.78
+u32::l1_dup    41                  37                      -4   -9.76%   x 1.11
+u32::l2        85                  64                     -21  -24.71%   x 1.33
-u32::l2_dup    62                  64                       2    3.23%   x 0.97
-u32::l3        180                 380                    200  111.11%   x 0.47
-u32::l3_dup    156                 381                    225  144.23%   x 0.41
+usize::l1      66                  37                     -29  -43.94%   x 1.78
+usize::l1_dup  41                  37                      -4   -9.76%   x 1.11
+usize::l2      87                  67                     -20  -22.99%   x 1.30
-usize::l2_dup  62                  77                      15   24.19%   x 0.81
-usize::l3      247                 522                    275  111.34%   x 0.47
-usize::l3_dup  203                 614                    411  202.46%   x 0.33

Compared to a BTreeSet:

 name           btreeset ns/iter  this ns/iter  diff ns/iter   diff %  speedup
+u8::l1         48                37                     -11  -22.92%   x 1.30
-u8::l1_dup     35                37                       2    5.71%   x 0.95
-u8::l2         46                58                      12   26.09%   x 0.79
-u8::l2_dup     35                56                      21   60.00%   x 0.62
-u8::l3         36                170                    134  372.22%   x 0.21
-u8::l3_dup     34                127                     93  273.53%   x 0.27
+u32::l1        66                37                     -29  -43.94%   x 1.78
+u32::l1_dup    42                37                      -5  -11.90%   x 1.14
+u32::l2        91                64                     -27  -29.67%   x 1.42
-u32::l2_dup    60                64                       4    6.67%   x 0.94
-u32::l3        351               380                     29    8.26%   x 0.92
-u32::l3_dup    195               381                    186   95.38%   x 0.51
+usize::l1      66                37                     -29  -43.94%   x 1.78
+usize::l1_dup  42                37                      -5  -11.90%   x 1.14
+usize::l2      96                67                     -29  -30.21%   x 1.43
-usize::l2_dup  61                77                      16   26.23%   x 0.79
-usize::l3      441               522                     81   18.37%   x 0.84
-usize::l3_dup  241               614                    373  154.77%   x 0.39

Future work