orbclient 0.3.44

The Orbital Client Library


The Orbital Client Library. Compatible with Redox and SDL2.

Build status MIT licensed crates.io docs.rs


The "serde" feature can be used to include code for Color deserialization using the serde crate (which is an optional dependency). This is not enabled by default. To enable, either build using the --features "serde" command line option, or use features = ["serde"] in your crate, where it declares a dependency on orbclient.

Platform notes


  • Rust standard toolchain rustup, rustc, cargo (install)
  • Rust web assembly toolchain wasm-pack (install)
  • JavaScript package manager npm (install)
  • Run simple example
    • Navigate to examples/simple director
    • Run npm install
    • Run npm run serve


  • Make sure that you work with the current nightly version of Rust
    • To make sure of that, please use rustup
    • Don't forget to override your work directory with rustup override set nightly
    • Don't forget to update the nightly version of Rust with rustup update nightly
  • SDL2 should be automatically with orbclient if you have trouble try to install it libsdl2-dev manually
    • For example, with Ubuntu, please to type sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev in your console
  • On fedora please type sudo dnf install SDL2-devel SDL2-static in your console before building.
    • if during building, this message comes up could not find native static library `SDL2main`, perhaps an -L flag is missing?. Providing the path to the static library might help. You can provide this path via RUSTFLAGS='-L <path-to-folder-with-libSDL2.a>' cargo b .... At the moment of writing, the SDL2 library is stored under /usr/lib64 on fedora. In this case you would type RUSTFLAGS='-L /usr/lib64' cargo r --example simple to start the simple example.
  • Other problem? Do not hesitate to create a new issue!