opmark-egui 0.0.3

An experimental presentation application based on OpMark, powered by egui
# opmark-egui

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An experimental presentation application based on [OpMark](https://crates.io/crates/opmark), powered by [egui](https://crates.io/crates/egui). It's still in pre-alpha stage.

## Usage

### Installation

cargo install opmark-egui

### Running with OpMark document

Find a `./index.opmark` to make presentations:


Sepecify a file to use:

opmark-egui examples/test.opmark

### Build a standalone binary file

opmark-egui -s examples/test.opmark

The above command will generate an executable bundling your OpMark file and other assets (only images are supported for now) as well.

You can execute this file directly without copying assets and refering them:


## Credits

Inspired by [easymark](https://github.com/emilk/egui/tree/master/egui_demo_lib/src/easy_mark).