oping 0.3.3

Rust bindings for liboping, a simple ICMP ping library

liboping bindings for Rust: simple ICMP pings

This crate is a simple Rust binding for liboping, a library that implements basic ICMP ping functionality. These bindings allow a Rust program to send ping packets (possibly to multiple hosts in parallel) and enumerate the responses.

This crate also includes a very simple program rustping that uses the bindings to implement a barebones command-line ping utility.

This crate includes liboping in its source tree (as a submodule) and builds it into the Rust library, so there is no need to build and install it separately.

This crate was written by Chris Fallin <cfallin@c1f.net> and is released under the MIT license.

Documentation is available here, and the crate is available as oping on crates.io here.